Clustered bar chart data settings

A clustered bar chart is used to represent discrete values for more than one item that share the same category. Data is represented by groups of horizontal rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent.

Required parameters

Important: Required and optional parameters vary by data set and there may be additional fields provided, which are not possible to document. Only those fields that are common to all data sets are described.

For clustered bar charts, you must specify the following parameters:

  • X axis field
    • Description: A data column heading so that its associated values are plotted on the X-axis. The selection forms the control parameter (or independent variable) for the chart.
    • Data types: Numeric (including time values) or categorical (that is, a set of string values).
  • Y axis value field
    • Description: A data column heading so that its associated values are plotted on the Y-axis, for example, time values. The selection serves as a measured (or dependent) variable for the chart. You can specify multiple dependent variables for a chart.
    • Data types: Numeric (including time) or categorical.
  • Group by field
    Note: This feature is not available if you specify multiple dependent variables, that is, if you add more than one column heading to the Y-axis.
    • Description: The data column used to group rows of data. All data sharing a common group-by value are collected together to form the individual areas, lines, colored bands in a bar or column chart, bars in a clustered chart and colored dots in a scatter plot. This is the mechanism for plotting multiple values on one chart. For example, if the X-axis displays time values in a line chart and the Y-axis CPU utilization values. If you specify that you want to group by server name values the line chart plots a line for CPU utilization over time for each server.
    • Data types: Typically categorical.

Optional parameters

  • Title
    • Description: A custom title for the Data Visualization chart.
    • Data types: User-provided text string.
  • Custom Help URL
    • Description: A URL that references a custom help topic help for the chart instance. The help page is displayed when a user clicks the help icon (widget help icon) on the chart's toolbar.
    • Data types: Text string forming a fully qualified URL (that is, include http:// or https://).
  • Page to launch
    • Description: Select a dashboard or page from a drop-down list. The selected page or dashboard is displayed when a user clicks the chart.
    • Data types: User selection.

Visualization options

  • Sort-By Column
    • Description: The column heading that is used to sort the data on retrieval from the data set.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • Sort Order
    • Description: The order in which values from the Sort-By Column selection are displayed, that is, in either ascending or descending order.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • Query Condition
    Use the Query Condition field to specify a filter for the request that cannot be expressed with the data set's defined parameters. Only items that match the specified filter are returned. Filters strings are formatted as ColumnName operator value, where:
    • ColumnName is the name of a data column. The name of the column is not the column's label that is shown in the user interface column choice drop-down list, so you must be familiar with the data set.
    • operator is the comparison that is being performed.
      • Available operators on string columns include contains, starts, ends, isNull, and =. Each operator can be preceded by a ! to negate it (for example, the following operator specifies "is not equal to": !=).
      • Available operators on numeric and date columns include =, <, <=, >, and >=.
      • Available operators on boolean and enumerated value columns include = and !=.
    • value is the value each item in the column is to be tested against. String values must be enclosed in single quotes.

    Filter conditions may be grouped using parentheses and combined using and and or. For example:
    (NAME contains 'abcd') or ((DATE >= '2014-01-01') and (DATE < '2014-06-01'))

    Only those records matching the query condition filter are returned and plotted on the chart.

    If a dataset defines a column as a parameter, it is more efficient to filter on that column using the parameter rather than specifying a query condition. If you specify a data set parameter and a query condition, the resulting records must match both conditions.

  • Color Palette
    • Description: The color collection to be used for the current chart.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • First Color
    • Description: A color palette or collection can be thought of as circular list of colors. The First Color selection specifies where to start the list of colors.
    • Data types: User selection.

Chart customizations

  • Legend
    • Description: You can optionally place a legend at the top, bottom or side of the chart.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • Cluster Gap
    • Description: The gap between clustered bars or columns.
    • Data types: Numeric.
  • Y axis minimum value
    • Description: The minimum value to be shown on the Y-axis, independent of the retrieved data.
      Note: The specified value is ignored if the data plotted on the Y-axis is not numerical.
    • Data types: Numeric.
  • Y axis maximum value
    • Description: The maximum value to be shown on the Y-axis, independent of the retrieved data.
      Note: The specified value is ignored if the data plotted on the Y-axis is not numerical.
    • Data types: Numeric.
  • X axis minimum value
    • Description: The minimum value to be shown on the X-axis, independent of the retrieved data.
      Note: The specified value is ignored if the data plotted on the X-axis is not numerical.
    • Data types: Numeric.
  • X axis maximum value
    • Description: The maximum value to be shown on the X-axis, independent of the retrieved data.
      Note: The specified value is ignored if the data plotted on the X-axis is not numerical.
    • Data types: Numeric.


  • Threshold value 1
    • Description: The data column or fixed value for the first threshold line on a chart.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • Threshold line color
    • Description: The color for the threshold line specified for Threshold value 1.
    • Data types: User provided string specifying a color or user selection from a color palette. To access the palette, click the color picker icon (color picker icon - no selection) associated with the field.
      Note: The color picker icon (color picker icon - color selected) updates to reflect the selected color.
      Instead of using the color picker icon, a user can provide a string that specifies a custom color, for example:
      • Hexadecimal values, for example, #12aabc.
      • Named color, for example, blue.
      • RGB values, for example, rgb(100, 150, 175)
      • RGBA values, for example, rgba(123, 234, 12, .5)
  • Threshold value 2
    • Description: The data column or fixed value for a second threshold line on a chart.
    • Data types: User selection.
  • Threshold line color
    • Description: The color for the threshold line specified for Threshold value 2.
    • Data types: User provided string specifying a color or user selection from a color palette.
  • Shade color
    • Description: The shade color for the area between the specified thresholds.
    • Data types: User provided string specifying a color or user selection from a color palette.