IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Elements workspace

The Elements workspace provides service level information for a specific service monitored by a profile.

To access this workspace, use the link in the Services workspace that corresponds to the service whose results you wish to view.

Using this workspace

The Services workspace displays a chart and a table:
  • Profile Service Levels

    The Profile Service Levels chart shows the current service levels reported by all profile elements in the profile. This represents the total number of results returned by the profile, broken down by service level classification.

  • Services

    The Services table summarizes the results for each service monitored by the profile. Each row in the table contains summary data for one service, showing the total number of profile elements that were active on the system at the most recent poll, as well as the totals for each service level classification.

Using this workspace, you can view the most recent results of all tests performed by the profile on the selected service type, and drill down to historical test and service level data for a selected profile element.

Figure 1. The Elements workspace

The Elements workspace

Accessing this workspace

You can link to this workspace from the Services workspace.

Links to other workspaces

You can link to the following workspaces:

Last updated: September 2014