IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Monitoring Agent for IBM i OS data collection

In general, the Monitoring Agent for IBM i OS gathers data when requested to satisfy a workspace refresh, situation sampling of attributes, or historical data collection. All attributes in the attribute groups that make up a workspace or situation are gathered at that time. The default refresh/sampling intervals were chosen such that the agent will not put a significant load on the system as it gathers the data.

Most of the attributes gathered by the Monitoring Agent for IBM i OS come from IBM i OS Application Programming Interfaces (API). The APIs are described in the IBM i OS Information Center available online at web site: A few Machine Instructions (MI) are used and these are also described in the onlineIBM i OS Information Center. When no API nor MI is available for a particular function, Command Language (CL) commands have been used. Information about the CL commands is available on the IBM i OS system using the contextual help function, and is also described in the online IBM i OS Information Center.

The Monitoring Agent for IBM i OS maintains long running processes for the agent that communicate with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the collector that drives data collection. Depending on the data to collect there are also short running processes used to access system data, data queues created to receive events from the system, and long running processes to interact with performance data gathering APIs.

The following table shows each IBM i OS attribute group, the mechanism used to gather the attributes, and notes. The abbreviations used in the Collection Methods column are:

Table 1. Mechanisms used to gather attributes
Attribute group Collection methods API/MI/CL names Notes
i5OS Auxiliary Storage Pool MI MATRMD, Materialize Resource Management Data Option Hex 20
i5OS Cluster Monitored Resources API, HLL QcstListClusterResourceGroupInfo, QcstListClusterxxxxxx xxxx represents many APIs in the QcstListCluster category
i5OS Cluster Node API, HLL QcstListClusterResourceGroupInfo, QcstListClusterxxxxxx xxxx represents many APIs in the QcstListCluster category
i5OS Disk MI MATRMD, Materialize Resource Management Data Option Hex 22
i5OS Distribution Queue CL WRKDSTQ, Work with Distribution Queues OUTPUT(*PRINT) option, then the spool file is read and deleted
i5OS Group Program Temporary Fix API QpzListPtfGroups, List of group PTFs  
i5OS Group PTF Details API QpzListPtfGroupDetails, List group PTF details  
i5OS History Log HLL _Ropen, _Rreadf, _Rclose The history file records are accessed using high level programming language functions
i5OS Inactive Job API QQYOLJOB, Open List of Jobs  
i5OS Integrated File System Object API QlgOpendir, QlgReaddir, closedir, QlgLstat64, QlgReadlink IFS related APIs for directories and objects
i5OS IOA Cache Battery API QSMRTVBTC, Retrieve IOA cache battery information  
i5OS Job Log API QGYOLJOB, Open List of Jobs QGYGTLE, Retrieving a list of information  
i5OS Licensed Program Product API QSZSLTPR, List all the licensed program products current installed  
i5OS Management Central API, DTAQ QypsRegMCEventNotifications, QypsDeregMCEventNotifications Qyps APIs to register and deregister a data queue which receives the events
i5OS Miscellaneous API, MI QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values; MATMATR1, Materialize Machine Attributes; gethostname MATMATR1 for VPD
i5OS Net Server API QZLSLSTI, List Server Information  
i5OS Network Interface API QDCLCFGD, List Configuration Descriptions  
i5OS Network Server API QDCLCFGD, List Configuration Descriptions  
i5OS Program Temporary Fix API QPZRTVFX, List PTF Information; QpzListPTF, Retrieve a list of PTFs for a product  
i5OS System Statistics API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Allocation API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Date Time API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Editing API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Other API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Security API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Sys Ctl 1 API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS System Value Sys Ctl 2 API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
i5OS TCPIP Logical Interface API QtocLstNetIfc, List Network Interfaces  
i5OS TCPIP Host API QtocLstNetCnn  
i5OS TCPIP Route API QtocLstNetIfc , Retrieve attributes for TCP interfaces, QtocLstNetCnn, list network connections  
i5OS TCPIP Service API QtocLstNetCnn, List Network Connections  
i5OS User and Group API, HLL QSYRAUTU,QSYSRUSRI, list users and groups, retrieve user profile information  
OS400 Acct Jrn CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Alert API, DTAQ QNMDRGFN, Deregister Filter Notifications; QNMRGFN, Register Filter Notifications  
OS400 APPN Topology API QNMRGTI, Register APPN Topology Information  
OS400 Comm Async API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Comm Bisync API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Comm Ethernet API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Comm SDLC API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Comm Token Ring API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Comm X25 API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Controller API QDCLCFGD, List Configuration Descriptions  
OS400 DB Member API QUSLMBR, List Database File Members  
OS400 Device API QDCLCFGD, List Configuration Descriptions  
OS400 Disk Unit API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 I/O Processor API QPMWKCOL, Work with Collector; QPMLPFRD, List Performance Data  
OS400 Job API QGYOLJOB, Open List of Jobs; QGYGTLE, Get List Entries; QGYCLST, Close List  
OS400 Job Queue API QSPRJOBQ, Retrieve Job Queue Information  
OS400 Line API QDCLCFGD, List Configuration Descriptions  
OS400 Message API QMHLSTM, List Nonprogram Messages  
OS400 Network CL QWCRNETA, Retrieve Network Attributes  
OS400 Object API QUSLOBJ, List Objects  
OS400 Security Jrn AuditJrn CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn AuthFail CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn ChgAuth CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn ChgOwner CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn ChgUserProf CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn JobDesc CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn Network CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn Password CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn ProfSwap CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn ProgAdopt CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn RestoreJob CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn RestoreProg CL, HLL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Security Jrn CL, HLL SYSVAL RCVJRNE, Receive Journal Entry; Exit program to receive the entries.  
OS400 Storage Pool API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status  
OS400 Subsystem API QWDRSBSD, Retrieve Subsystem Information  
OS400 System Status API QWCRSSTS, Retrieve System Status; MATRMD, Materialize Resource Management Data MATRMD Option Hex 20
OS400 System Values API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values Acct API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values Device API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values IPL API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values Perf API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values Prob API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
OS400 System Values User API QWCRSVAL, Retrieve System Values  
Note: The following filter parameters are located in QAUTOTMP/KMSPARM: These parameters default to *ALL. They are used on the call to the IBM i OS API QUSLOBJ. The values that can be used are special values that API can accept. For example, *LIB could be used for KA4_OBJFLT_TYPE. Or a specific library, such as QGPL could be used rather than *ALL. Changing these filters changes how some of the workspaces behave as well as object history collection since they use the same filters for the API being used. This can be used to reduce the number of objects being returned so that the API does not fail when the list is greater than 16 Mg.
