Load/Drop Data Privacy Data

Data privacy data tables are available to clients who have an Optim™ Data Privacy License. You can use these tables to mask company and personal data (such as names, credit card numbers, and email addresses) to generate transformed data that is both valid and unique. Generally, these data privacy tables are loaded when you configure the first workstation, but you also can load them independently or when you configure an additional workstation.

You can load, refresh, or drop data privacy data by selecting the Load/Drop Data Privacy Data option, which guides you through the process. You can start this process by selecting Load/Drop Data Privacy Data from the Tasks menu, or by selecting the Configuration Assistant from the Help menu.

Specify Optim Directory

A DB Alias is required to access the data privacy tables. The DB Alias, which is used as a high-level qualifier for the table names, provides a single-name association for parameters that are needed to connect to the database. The DB Alias and other Optim objects, created when the data privacy tables are created, are stored in an Optim Directory.

Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog to select the name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.

Create/Select DB Alias

Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog to specify the DB Alias for the data privacy tables. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.

Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables

After you select the DB Alias for the data privacy tables, the Configuration program opens the Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables dialog. If you are creating or refreshing the tables, you must specify an identifier (such as a Creator ID, Schema Name, Database Name, or Owner ID) and Tablespace, if appropriate. If you are dropping data privacy tables, only the identifier is required.

Load/Drop Data Privacy Data for Another DB Alias

After you load or drop sample data privacy tables for a particular DB Alias, the Configuration program displays the Load/Drop Data Privacy Data for Another DB Alias dialog. You are then prompted to load or drop the data privacy tables for a different DB Alias. If you choose to load or drop for another DB Alias, the Create/Select DB Alias dialog opens to restart the process. Otherwise, the process completes and returns to the main window.