Release notes - IBM InfoSphere Optim 11.7

IBM® InfoSphere® Optim™ 11.7, which supports data growth, data masking, test data management, and application retirement initiatives for your relational data, is available. These release notes address compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues.



Using Optim 11.7, you can assess, classify, subset, archive, store, and access enterprise application data across databases and platforms.
  • With the archiving or data growth features of Optim, you can segregate historic data from current activity and safely remove it to secure offline storage, access the archived data easily, and restore archived data to its business context when necessary.
  • The Optim test data management capacity lets you create and populate appropriately sized development and test environments, automatically or manually edit the data in these environments to match your test cases, and compare test results with your original data.
  • Data masking features help you to prevent misuse of information by masking, obfuscating, and privatizing personal information that is propagated outside your production environment.

What's new in 11.7.0 Fix Pack 2

Fix Pack 2 for Optim 11.7.0 adds the following functionality:

  • Operating system support added for:
    • Microsoft Windows 11.
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2022.
  • Database toleration support added for:
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 as an Optim Directory and Database Alias.
    • PostgreSQL 15 as a Database Alias.
  • Third party software upgraded:
    • IBM WebSphere Liberty from to
  • LOB handling performance improvements for DB2® and Oracle.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Load on Linux.
  • Support for table and column names increased from 64 characters to 128 characters. For actions needed to be taken for this to work, see Support for 128 character table and column names.
  • SQL Injection vulnerability fixed in Optim Stored Procedures for Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
  • Increase length of passwords from 30 to 64 characters.

The following functionality has been removed from Optim 11.7.0 with Fix Pack 2:

  • All Optim Data Privacy Providers (ODPP) for Windows 32-bit.
  • Installation of IBM SWIDTAG files that are used by the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT). These are now parts that are included with Optim on Passport Advantage.

For the list of interim fixes (iFixes) that are included in Optim 11.7.0 Fix Pack 2, see the IBM InfoSphere Optim Solutions V11.7.0.2 Fix List.

Support for 128 character table and column names
Prior to release, database table and column names processed in Optim were limited to 64 characters in length. Optim has changed that limit and supports database table and column name lengths of 128 characters. For Optim to process 128 character names properly, maintenance will need to be applied to any existing Optim Directory and DB Alias created prior to release If you create new Optim Directories in release, this step is not required.
Note: For details on applying maintenance using Optim Configuration, see Apply Maintenance for Optim Directory Access.
For existing Microsoft SQL Server Optim Directories, there are additional SQL Statements that need to be executed to change the structure of two tables used by the Optim Directory – PSTARCVTBL3 and PSTAUDIT3. After applying maintenance to the Optim Directory, execute the following SQL statements from your preferred SQL editor:
sp_rename '{Owner ID}.PSTARCVTBL3', 'PSTARCVTBL3_11701';

[TABLEDBALIAS] [nvarchar](12) NOT NULL,
[TABLENAME] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA1] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA2] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA3] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA4] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA5] [varchar](250) NOT NULL,
[TABLEDATA6] [varchar](250) NOT NULL


sp_rename '{Owner ID}.PSTAUDIT3', 'PSTAUDIT3_11701';

[DBALIAS] [nvarchar](12) NOT NULL,
[CREATORID] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
[TABLENAME] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[USERID] [nvarchar](85) NOT NULL,
[AUDIT_TYPE] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[ACTION_DT] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[SEQNO] [decimal](20, 0) NOT NULL,
[DATA1] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
[DATA2] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
[DATA3] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
[DATA4] [varchar](255) NOT NULL

Note: {Owner ID} is the Optim Directory Owner ID schema specified when the Optim Directory was created. If it is not known, you can navigate to the Optim Directory dialog and click the Modify button. The value can be found in the Procedure Qualifier field on the Server tab.

What's new in 11.7.0 Fix Pack 1

Fix Pack 1 for Optim 11.7.0 adds the following functionality:

  • Database Toleration support added for:
    • Oracle 21c for both the Optim Directory and as a DB Alias.
    • PostgreSQL 12, 13 and 14 as a DB Alias.
    • Teradata 16.10, 16.20, 17.10 and 17.20 as a DB Alias.
  • Cloud Storage support to store Optim Archive Files for:
    • IBM Cloud Storage Simple Storage Service (ICOS S3).
    • Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service (AWS S3).
  • A new, refreshed user interface for the Optim Connection Manager.
  • Optim Service Interface enhancements:
    • Service sets support.
    • Service monitoring filters.
  • TLS 1.3 is the default used by Designer, Manager and Runtime Services.
  • Integration with IBM Data Virtualization Manager:
    • Using JDBC on Linux or Windows.
    • Using ODBC on Windows.
  • To prevent Server Side Request Forgery, the ability to whitelist IP addresses for the Optim Web Applications use has been added. See How to Prevent Server Side Request Forgery in the IBM InfoSphere Optim Solutions Web Applications for more information about this and instructions on how to configure it.

The following functionality has been removed from Optim 11.7.0 with Fix Pack 1:

  • The use of Dojo.

For the list of interim fixes (iFixes) that are included in Optim 11.7.0 Fix Pack 1, see the IBM InfoSphere Optim Solutions V11.7.0.1 Fix List.

What's new in 11.7.0

Support for the following platforms is added:
  • Microsoft Windows 2019.
  • RHEL 8.
  • SUSE 15.
  • AIX 7.2 TL4.
Support for the following database management systems for both the Optim Directory and DB Aliases:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 on AIX and Linux.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on AIX and Linux.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on all Optim supported platforms.

Use of the Windows registry has been removed.

A new data masking verification feature is provided.

The silent install process has been streamlined through the Optim Utility Scripts.

WebSphere Liberty replaces WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (WASCE).

Support for IPv6 on Windows only.

Optim now has Java as a pre-requisite, rather than including it.

Support for Optim Data Privacy Provider (ODPP) User Defined Functions (UDFs) in Netezza 11.2 (64-bit only, as Netezza 11.2 is 64-bit only).


The Optim 11.7 announcement can be found at the IBM Offering Information web site. See the announcement for the following information:
  • Detailed product description, including a description of new functions.
  • Product-positioning statement.
  • Packaging and ordering details.
  • International compatibility information.

IBM Db2 for z/OS Multibyte Character Support

Optim 11.7 includes support for Db2 for z/OS® multibyte characters with the following limitations:
  • Db2 LUW v9.7 FixPack 5 or higher is required on the Optim client/server.
  • Optim Load into a Db2 z/OS system does not support object names (for example, table names, column names, and so on) that contain MBCS-type characters.
  • CLOB and DBCLOB data is not supported in an ASCII or Unicode tablespace.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the Detailed System Requirements report that is available from the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) tool.

Fix lists

For a summary list of fixes that are included in release 11.7, see the IBM InfoSphere Optim V11.7.0 Fix List..

For the list of interim fixes (iFixes) that are included in Optim 11.7.0 Fix Pack 1, see the IBM InfoSphere Optim Solutions V11.7.0.1 Fix List.

For the list of interim fixes (iFixes) that are included in Optim 11.7.0 Fix Pack 2, see the IBM InfoSphere Optim Solutions V11.7.0.2 Fix List.

Installation instructions for Optim 11.7

To install Optim 11.7, please complete the installation instructions that are detailed separately in the Optim documentation.

Note: Go to the IBM Fix Central web site for information about any fixes that might subsequently need to be applied to this Optim release.

IBM License Metric Tool

The files used by the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) are installed with an extension of optswidtag. After you configure the first workstation, the files to which you have been granted access will have their extensions changed to swidtag.

If you use ILMT, complete the following manual process to activate it for data sources that do not reside on an Optim server or on a z/OS system:

  • Locate the set of *.swidtag files residing at: Optim_Root\properties\version on the Optim server.
  • Copy the *.swidtag files to: \\server_root\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\ITLM on any server hosting data sources on which you are using Optim.

Optim directory support

For release 11.7 of the Optim solutions, the Optim directory is supported on the following database management systems:

Table 1. Database management systems that support the Optim directory
Db2 for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows Oracle SQL Server
v9.5 (FP10 or later) v11g R1 ( or later) 2008 R1
v9.7 v11g R2 (11.2) 2008 R2
v10.1 v12c R1 2012
v10.5 v12c R2 2014
v11.1 v18c 2016
v11.5 v19c 2017

Known issues

Known issues are documented in the form of individual Technotes in the Support knowledge base at the IBM Support Site. As problems are discovered and resolved, the Support knowledge base is updated. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems as well as other documents such as downloads and detailed system requirements.
Note: Learn the basics of IBM support by reviewing the IBM Support Guide.


The NOTICES file is at installation directory\license\notices.txt.