Deploying the service interface WAR file on WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

You must deploy the service interface Web archive (WAR) file to the application server before you can use the service interface. Use this task to deploy the WAR file on the English version of WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition.

Start WebSphere Application Server Community Edition before you deploy the WAR file.

Use the Administrative Console of WebSphere Application Server Community Edition to deploy the WAR file. The default location of the Administrative Console is http://hostname:8080/console, where hostname is the host name of the computer on which WebSphere Application Server Community Edition is installed.

To deploy the service interface WAR file with the Administrative Console of WebSphere Application Server Community Edition:

  1. If you are upgrading a service interface WAR file, uninstall the previous version of the WAR file before you deploy the new WAR file.
    To uninstall the WAR file, click Web App WARs under Console Navigation, and then click Uninstall on the line that contains an URL of /server.
  2. Under Console Navigation, click Deployer.
  3. Click Browse after Archive and use the Browse window to select the service interface WAR file.
    The WAR file is shared_installation_directory/osi/app/optim.service.interface.war, where shared_installation_directory is the installation directory that you specified for the IBM Optim Shared package group. For example, the default location for the WAR file on Microsoft Windows is C:\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\shared\osi\app\optim.service.interface.war.
  4. Click Install.
    The WAR file can take several minutes to deploy.
If the WAR file fails to deploy because of java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space errors, increase the amount of permanent generation memory available for objects in the Java™ Virtual Machine (VM) on the application server. To increase the available amount of permanent generation memory, open the application server startup script in a text editor and adjust the PermSize and MaxPermSize arguments in the JAVA_OPTS parameter. The PermSize argument specifies the initial amount of permanent generation memory, and the MaxPermSize argument specifies the maximum amount of permanent generation memory. By default, the manager uses 64 MB of permanent generation memory. Setting memory sizes to a value larger than the amount of available physical memory on your computer severely degrades performance. For example, the following JAVA_OPTS parameter from a Windows batch script specifies 128 MB as the initial amount of permanent generation memory and 256 MB as the maximum amount of permanent generation memory.
               -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
The following JAVA_OPTS parameter from a Linux® or UNIX script specifies 128 MB as the initial amount of permanent generation memory and 256 MB as the maximum amount of permanent generation memory.
JAVA_OPTS=-XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m \
If the JAVA_OPTS parameter or the PermSize and MaxPermSize arguments are not in the application server startup script, add the parameter and arguments to the end of the script. Ensure that the JAVA_OPTS parameter is on a single line or on consecutive lines that are connected with line-continuation characters. The line-continuation character is the caret (^) for Windows batch scripts or the backslash (\) for Linux or UNIX scripts. Also, include the %JAVA_OPTS% or $JAVA_OPTS argument in the JAVA_OPTS parameter so that the arguments that exist for the parameter are preserved.
If the application server computer is set to a language that requires the use of double-byte characters, configure the application server to use UTF-8 encoding in its log files. To configure the application server to use UTF-8 encoding, add the following argument to the end of the JAVA_OPTS parameter in the application server startup script. The entire JAVA_OPTS parameter must be either on a single line or on consecutive lines that are connected with line-continuation characters. The line-continuation character is the caret (^) for Windows batch scripts or the backslash (\) for Linux or UNIX scripts.
If the WAR file fails to deploy to a Linux computer because of IOException: too many open files errors, increase the maximum number of open files on the computer. To increase the maximum number of open files, sign on as superuser and complete the following steps.
  1. Enter the following command:
    /sbin/sysctl -w fs.file-max=100000
  2. Add the following line to the /etc/sysctl.conf file so that the setting remains as it is after system reboot.
    fs.file-max = 100000
  3. Enter the following command so that the change to the /etc/sysctl.conf file takes effect.
    /sbin/sysctl -p
  4. Enter the following command to verify the settings.
    /sbin/sysctl fs.file-max
  5. Enter the following command to increase the maximum number of processes to 20,048.
    ulimit -n 20048
  6. Add the following line to the beginning of the shared_installation_directory/WebSphere/AppServerCommunityEdition/bin/ script so that the setting is set every time that you start the application server.
    ulimit -n 20048

After you change the application server startup script, you must restart the application server for changes to take effect.