Invoking message flow security using a SecurityPEP node

You can invoke the message flow security manager at any point in a message flow, between an input node and an output or request node, by using a SecurityPEP node.

The following diagram shows an example message flow and gives an overview of the sequence of events that occur when an input message is received by an input node that is not security enabled (or that has no associated security profile) and is later processed by a SecurityPEP node in the message flow:

Diagram showing the sequence of events that occur when a message arrives at a SecurityPEP node in a message flow.
The following steps explain the sequence of events that occur when a message arrives at an input node that is not security enabled (or that has no associated security profile). The numbers correspond to those in the preceding diagram:
  1. You can use a SecurityPEP node at any point in a message flow between an input and an output or request node. The SecurityPEP node enables security to be applied in a message flow in the following situations:
    • When the message flow input node is not security enabled (for example, FileInput, TCPIPClientInput, SAPInput, and JMSInput nodes).
    • When the message flow input node is security enabled and might be configured to perform authentication operations, but the message flow is required to perform some routing or filtering before the business function being invoked is known; as a result, authorization needs to be performed later in the message flow logic.
    • When the message flow includes multiple output or request nodes, which require a specific identity mapping to be performed before each node, to obtain the appropriate security tokens for propagation.
    The message tree that is propagated into the SecurityPEP node includes the properties tree identity fields. These fields are empty, unless a security enabled input node (or a prior SecurityPEP node) has already extracted identity tokens, and possibly performed some security operations.
  2. When a message arrives at a SecurityPEP, the presence of a security profile associated with the node indicates whether message flow security is configured. The integration node's security manager is called to read the profile, which specifies the combination of propagation, authentication, authorization, and mapping to be performed with the identity of the message. It also specifies the external security provider (also known as the Policy Decision Point or PDP) to be used.

    You can create security profiles by using the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command. You then use the BAR editor to configure the security profile on either an individual node or the whole message flow. If you associate the security profile with the message flow, the security profile applies to all security enabled input and output and SecurityPEP nodes in the message flow. However, a security profile that is associated with an individual node takes precedence over a security profile that is associate with the message flow. Predefined security profiles are provided for setting identity propagation and for explicitly setting no security on a node.

  3. If a security profile is associated with the SecurityPEP node or message flow, the node extracts the identity information from the message tree based on the node configuration and sets the Source Identity elements in the Properties folder. If the node sets a token type of Current token, the existing identity tokens in the Mapped Identity properties fields are used (if they exists); if there are no identity tokens in the Mapped Identity properties fields, the tokens in the Source Identity properties fields are used. If the security tokens cannot be successfully extracted, a security exception is raised and propagated to the failure terminal (if wired).
  4. If authentication is specified in the security profile, the security manager calls the configured security provider to authenticate the identity. A failure results in a security exception being returned to the node. The security providers that are supported by IBM® Integration Bus for authentication are a LDAP, WS-Trust v1.3 compliant Security Token Service (such as TFIM V6.2), and TFIM V6.1.

    A security cache is provided for the authentication result, which enables subsequent messages (with the same credentials) arriving at the message flow to be completed with the cached result, provided that it has not expired.

  5. If identity mapping is specified in the security profile, the security manager calls the configured security provider to map the identity to an alternative identity. A failure results in a security exception being returned to the node. Otherwise, the mapped identity information is set in the Mapped Identity elements in the Properties folder.

    The security providers that are supported by IBM Integration Bus for identity mapping are a WS-Trust V1.3 compliant Security Token Service (such as TFIM V6.2) and TFIM V6.1.

    A security cache is provided for the result of the identity mapping.

  6. If authorization is specified in the security profile, the security manager calls the configured security provider to authorize that the identity (either mapped or source) has access to this message flow. A failure results in a security exception being returned to the node.

    The security providers that are supported by IBM Integration Bus for authorization are LDAP, a WS-Trust V1.3 compliant Security Token Service (such as TFIM V6.2) and TFIM V6.1.

    A security cache is provided for the authorization result.

  7. When all security processing is complete, or when a security exception is raised by the message flow security manager, control returns to the SecurityPEP node.

    When a security exception is returned to the SecurityPEP node, the exception is either propagated to the failure terminal if it is connected, or returned to the preceding node as a recoverable exception. The SecurityPEP node propagates to its Out terminal only if all the configured operations in the associated security profile complete successfully.

  8. The message, including the populated Properties folder and its source and mapped identity information, is propagated down the message flow.
  9. When you are developing a message flow, you can use the identity fields in the Properties folder for application processing (for example, identity-based routing or content building based on identity). If the identity is to be propagated in an outbound message from an output or request node that does not support propagation of the token, you can use a compute node (including a Compute, JavaCompute, or Mapping node), to move the identity token into the required transport header or message body location.
  10. When the message reaches an output node, a security profile associated with the node can indicate whether an identity is to be taken from the Properties folder and propagated when the message is sent. Only specific transport nodes can propagate tokens that are the default for the transport; any other token type must be handled by a compute node, as described above.