Monitoring Tibco EMS

The Tibco EMS sensor is automatically deployed and installed after you install the Instana agent.

Supported Versions

Confirmed support for metrics and configuration data for versions: 8.3.x, 8.4.x, 8.5.x, 8.6.x.


The defualt poll rate of metrics is 5 seconds. You can change the poll rate in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml:

  poll_rate: 5  # seconds

If you lower the value of the poll rate, the CPU usage of the Tibco EMS process will be increased.

In case the instance requires a user/password authorization, you need to configure them in the agent configuration file as well.

  user: ''      # default is 'admin'
  password: ''

Instana agent will try to automatically resolve the hostname and port from the Tibco EMS configuration file. In case a custom hostname and port should be used, you can configure them in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml:

  hostname: '' # optional
  port: ''     # optional

Configuring multiple Tibco EMS instances monitoring is available using configuration from process environment and files.

Note: The minimum required permissions to access metrics for a non-admin user are:

  • view-destination
  • view-server

To grant the above privileges to a user, run the following commands in the tibemsadmin command line tool:

grant admin user=${username} view-destination
grant admin user=${username} view-server

To configure the topics and queues you want to monitor, specify matching expressions in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml. For example:

   queuesRegex: 'bar.>'
   topicsRegex: 'foo.>'  

For more information about using the Wildcards to select queues and topics, refer to the Official Tibco EMS docs

Enable statistics

To collect metrics, the agent requires that statistics are enabled.

Add the following line to tibemsd.conf file and restart the server:

statistics = enabled

Or use tibemsadmin and run the following command:

set server statistics=enabled

Providing drivers

When the agent starts and discovers a Tibco EMS server where the driver has not been supplied, the agent logs this message:

Cannot monitor Tibco EMS without the following drivers: tibjms-<version>.jar, tibjmsadmin-<version>.jar
For licensing reasons they cannot be provided by Instana and
need to be manually obtained and added to the agent

Usually, the drivers are available in the <tibco installation dir>/lib/tibjms.jar and <tibco installation dir>/lib/tibjmsadmin.jar files.

To add the drivers to the agent, add them to the following locations respectively <agent_install_dir>/system/com/tibco/tibjms/tibjms/<version>/tibjms-<version>.jar and <agent_install_dir>/system/com/tibco/tibjms/tibjmsadmin/<version>/tibjmsadmin-<version>.jar.

Metrics collection

To view the metrics, select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana User interface, click a specific monitored host, and then you can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Configuration data

  • Server name
  • Version
  • PID
  • Start time / Uptime
  • Ports
  • State
  • Max connections
  • Topics
  • Queues

Performance metrics


Metric Description Granularity
Connections The total number of connections on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Sessions The total number of sessions on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Durables The total number of durables on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Read operations rate The number of read operations per second on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Write operations rate The number of write operations per second on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Pending messages count The total number of pending messages on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Pending messages size The total size of pending messages on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Message memory The amount of memory in use to store messages on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
In Messages Count The total number of inbound messages on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Count The total number of outbound messages on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
In Messages Rate The number of inbound messages per second on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Rate The number of outbound messages per second on the server and is collected from the ServerInfo. 1 second


Metric Description Granularity
Subscribers The total number of subscribers on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
Pending messages count The total number of pending messages on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
Pending messages size The total size of pending messages on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
In Messages Count The total number of inbound messages on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Count The total number of outbound messages on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
In Messages Rate The number of inbound messages per second on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Rate The number of outbound messages per second on the topic and is collected from the TopicInfo. 1 second


Metric Description Granularity
Receivers The total number of receivers on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
Pending messages count The total number of pending messages on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
Pending messages size The total size of pending messages on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
In Messages Count The total number of inbound messages on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Count The total number of outbound messages on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
In Messages Rate The number of inbound messages per second on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second
Out Messages Rate The number of outbound messages per second on the queue and is collected from the QueueInfo. 1 second

Health signatures

For each sensor, there is a curated knowledgebase of health signatures that are evaluated continuously against the incoming metrics and are used to raise issues or incidents depending on user impact.

Built-in events trigger issues or incidents based on failing health signatures on entities, and custom events trigger issues or incidents based on defined thresholds of any given entity's individual metrics.

For information about built-events for the Tibco EMS, see the Built-in events reference.