Preparing for a single-node deployment

Before you start the installation, prepare your environment.

The preparation commands in the following sections are for a root user. If you are a non-root user, you can run these commands by using sudo.

Prepare the additional disks

You must prepare the disks that you added for each data directory in the storage requirements section.

The commands to complete these tasks depend on your environment, the file system you choose, and the type of disk that you add.

The commands in the following sections are only examples and are intended to show the requirements for preparing the disks for use. You must use the commands that work for your environment.

Identify the disks on your host

To see the available devices on your system, use the following command:


Here is a sample output.

root@vm-node1:~# lsblk
loop0                       7:0    0  63.5M  1 loop /snap/core20/2015
loop1                       7:1    0    87M  1 loop /snap/lxd/27037
loop3                       7:3    0 111.9M  1 loop /snap/lxd/24322
loop4                       7:4    0  63.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/2182
loop5                       7:5    0  40.9M  1 loop /snap/snapd/20290
loop6                       7:6    0  40.4M  1 loop /snap/snapd/20671
vda                       252:0    0   250G  0 disk
├─vda1                    252:1    0     1M  0 part
└─vda2                    252:2    0   248G  0 part
   └─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 253:0    0   248G  0 lvm  /
vdb                       252:16   0  1000G  0 disk
vdc                       252:32   0   500G  0 disk
vdd                       252:48   0   500G  0 disk
vde                       252:64   0   200G  0 disk

Make a file system

For each additional disk that you added, you must make a file system.

You can use any suitable file system for your disks. Ext4 and XFS are two popular Linux file systems. The choice between Ext4 and XFS depends on your preferences and the specific needs of your system. Ext4 is a good choice for most systems, but if you need a more reliable file system, XFS might be a better option.

  • Here is an example command of using the ext4 file system.

    for disk in vdb vdc vdd vde; do
       echo "make filesystem for $disk"
       mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0,discard /dev/$disk
  • Here is an example of using xfs file system.

for disk in vdb vdc vdd vde; do
   echo "make filesystem for $disk"
   mkfs.xfs -f -i size=1024 -L $disk /dev/$disk

Create the directories

On your host, make sure that you create the four directories. See Hardware requirements.

The following example commands use the default directory paths. You can create the directories in any location of your choice. However, make sure that you use the correct path when you mount the directories.

mkdir -p /mnt/instana/stanctl/data
mkdir -p /mnt/instana/stanctl/metrics
mkdir -p /mnt/instana/stanctl/analytics
mkdir -p /mnt/instana/stanctl/objects

Add mount paths

You must add mount paths to the directories that you created.

Update fstab file with UUIDs

In some environments, for example Debian hosts on Google Cloud Platform, the device names might change after a reboot, especially when you attach multiple disks. In such situations, a mismatch between the disks and the original mount paths can happen. To avoid these issues, replace the device names with their UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) in the fstab file.

  1. List the devices. See Identify the disks on your host.
  2. Based on the storage capacity, identify the devices that you want to use for each directory. Note the device names.
  3. Get the UUIDs of all devices.
    See the following example command and output:
    $ blkid /dev/sdb
    /dev/sdb: UUID="86ceb289-ba28-448d-b41f-71e647fc4536" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
  4. Update the file system table (fstab) file with the device UUID.
    1. Open the /etc/fstab file in your preferred text editor.
    2. Add the UUID to /etc/fstab. For each device, add the UUID as shown in the following example:
      UUID=<device_uuid>    /mnt/instana/stanctl/data       ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0
      UUID=<device_uuid>    /mnt/instana/stanctl/metrics    ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0
      UUID=<device_uuid>    /mnt/instana/stanctl/analytics  ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0
      UUID=<device_uuid>    /mnt/instana/stanctl/objects    ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0
    3. Save the file.

Create mount paths

As a precaution, take a backup of your fstab file before you create the mount paths.

cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup

The following example commands use the default mount paths and the disks that we used as examples in the previous sections. The commands might vary based on your environment. Also, if you created the directories in custom paths, make sure to use those paths.

If you created custom mount paths, make sure to add the --volume-<directory-name> flag to the stanctl up command when you install your Self-Hosted Standard Edition. For example, if you added /data/analytics as the mount path, then use stanctl up --volume-analytics /data/analytics.

  • Ext4 example commands

    echo "UUID=<device_vdb_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/analytics  ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    echo "UUID=<device_vdc_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/metrics    ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    echo "UUID=<device_vdd_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/objects    ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    echo "UUID=<device_vde_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/data       ext4    discard,defaults,nofail        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
  • XFS example commands

echo "UUID=<device_vdb_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/analytics  xfs   discard,defaults,nofail    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "UUID=<device_vdc_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/metrics    xfs   discard,defaults,nofail    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "UUID=<device_vdd_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/objects    xfs   discard,defaults,nofail    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "UUID=<device_vde_uuid>  /mnt/instana/stanctl/data       xfs   discard,defaults,nofail    0 0" >> /etc/fstab

Verify the mount paths

Verify that the directory is mounted on the correct disk. For example, the analytics directory needs a larger disk as compared to the objects directory. See Prepare the additional disks to get the device name.

lsblk <device name>

Mount the file systems

Mount all the file systems.

mount -a

Kernel parameters

To install the Instana backend successfully, you must set the following kernel parameters correctly.


Set vm.swappiness to 0 to make sure that application pages are not moved to swap space.

sh -c 'echo vm.swappiness=0 >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-stanctl.conf' && sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-stanctl.conf


Set fs.inotify.max_user_instances to 8192 to make sure that the system allows a maximum of 8192 inotify instances.

sh -c 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=8192 >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-stanctl.conf' && sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-stanctl.conf

Transparent Huge Pages

Disable Transparent Huge Pages (THP) permanently for memory management.

  • If you have an Ubuntu or Debian host, run these commands:
    sed -i "s/\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\".*\)\"/\1 transparent_hugepage=never\"/" "/etc/default/grub"
  • If you have a Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, CentOS Stream, Amazon Linux, or Oracle Linux host, run this command:
    grubby --args="transparent_hugepage=never" --update-kernel ALL

A system reboot is required for these changes to take effect.

After the reboot, verify that the THP is disabled.

cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

The following output indicates that THP is disabled.

always madvise [never]

Packages and environment variables

On some hosts, you need to install missing packages or set the required environment variables and paths.

Amazon Linux 2023 hosts

In Amazon Linux 2023, the container-selinux and k3s-selinux packages are missing. These configurations are necessary for the Standard Edition installer to install Instana without any interruption.

You must install the container-selinux package.

For the k3s-selinux package, you can either install it or set the INSTALL_K3S_SELINUX_WARN environment variable to true.

  • Install the container-selinux package.

    dnf install -y container-selinux
  • Install the k3s-selinux package or set the environment variable.

    • Install the k3s-selinux package

      dnf install -y


    • Set the environment variable.

      export INSTALL_K3S_SELINUX_WARN=true

Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Stream hosts

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Stream hosts, the /usr/local/bin directory is not included in the PATH environment variable by default. The Standard Edition installer needs this directory in the PATH to run some commands during installation.

To add /usr/local/bin directory to the PATH environment variable, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the export PATH command to .bashrc or .bash_profile file.

    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc


    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
  2. Apply the change. Use the name of the file that you updated in the previous command.

    source ~/.bashrc


    source ~/.bash_profile
  3. Verify that the /usr/local/bin directory is included in the PATH environment variable.

    echo $PATH

If the path update is successful, you see /usr/local/bin in the output.

Tenant and unit names

During Instana installation, you must provide the tenant and unit names.

After you install Instana, you cannot change the tenant or unit name.

For more information about tenants and units, see

Tenant and unit names have the following restrictions:

  • Must match the regular expression pattern ^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$.
  • Must not exceed a maximum length of 15 characters.
  • Must begin with an alphabetical character.
  • Can consist of alphanumeric characters.
  • All characters must be in lowercase.

For example, test is a unit name and marketing is a tenant name.

Networking requirements

Your Instana domain and the host must be reachable from outside your on-premises environment. Make sure that you update the Domain Name System (DNS) settings and set Firewall rules on your host.

DNS settings

Make sure you have a domain name and a DNS zone for your Instana environment. Then, add DNS A records in the zone for the following domains:

Table 5. DNS settings
Domain Description Example name
Base domain
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that you can use to reach Instana. Points to the public IP address of your host.
Agent acceptor subdomain
Domain name for Instana agent traffic. Points to the public IP address of your host.
OTLP HTTP acceptor subdomain
Domain name for OpenTelemetry collector OTLP/HTTP traffic. Points to the public IP address of your host.
OTLP gRPC acceptor subdomain
Domain name for OpenTelemetry collector OTLP/gRPC traffic. Points to the public IP address of your host.
Tenant and unit subdomain
Domain name for a unit and its tenant. Points to the public IP address of your host.

For detailed steps about adding DNS A records, refer to the documentation of your domain registrar.

Firewall rules

Certain Linux distributions might have potential conflicts or restrictions that the firewall imposes. These conflicts might impact network communication and service discovery that are necessary for the installation. Therefore, if your firewall is open, add the required ports and rules to it.

If you have an external firewall, see the firewall documentation for information on how to open ports.

For Standard Edition deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must open TCP ports 22, 80, 443, and 8443 in the security group even if the firewall is disabled.

Ubuntu host

Use these commands on an Ubuntu host.

  1. Check whether the firewall is enabled.

    ufw status
    • If the firewall is enabled, the command output lists the rules that are currently configured.
    • If the firewall is disabled, you see a Command not found error message.
  2. If firewall is disabled, no action is needed.

    If firewall is enabled, open ports add rules by using the following commands:

    ufw allow 22/tcp
    ufw allow 80/tcp
    ufw allow 443/tcp
    ufw allow 8443/tcp
    ufw allow from to any
    ufw allow from to any
    ufw allow in on lo
    ufw allow out on lo
    ufw reload

Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS Stream, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, and SLES

Use these commands on Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS Stream, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) hosts.

  1. Check whether the firewall is enabled.

    systemctl status firewalld
    • If the firewall is enabled, the command output provides the status of the firewall, including any active rules.
    • If the firewall is disabled, you see an error message that says No such file or directory.
  2. If firewall is disabled, proceed to the next section.

    If firewall is enabled, open ports add rules by using the following commands:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=22/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8443/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=lo
    firewall-cmd --reload

Verify ports

Verify whether the ports in Required ports are opened.

Ubuntu host

Use the following command to verify the ports that are blocked by a firewall. If a firewall is enabled, then the command lists the ports that are blocked.

 ufw status verbose

To open a port, run the following command:

ufw allow <port_number>
Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS Stream, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, and SLES

To verify whether a port is blocked by a firewall, use the following command:

firewall-cmd --query-port=<port_number>/tcp

If the command output is no, then the specified port is closed.

To open the port, use the following commands:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=<port_number>/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Configuring an HTTP proxy

Define the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables.

When you run the stanctl up command to install the Standard Edition, the installation automatically uses the environment variable values from the current shell.

In the NO_PROXY list, make sure to include the IP address ranges (both public and private IP addresses) that the nodes use. Or, if your proxy can access the nodes, then you don't need to set the NO_PROXY environment variable.

Define the environment variables by using the following commands:


nm-cloud-setup utility on RHEL and CentOS Stream hosts

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Stream hosts, if nm-cloud-setup is enabled, you must disable it and reboot the node. Use the following commands:

  1. Check whether nm-cloud-setup is enabled.

    systemctl is-enabled nm-cloud-setup.service

    If the service is disabled, the command returns disabled, otherwise it returns enabled.

  2. If nm-cloud-setup is disabled, proceed to the next section. If nm-cloud-setup is enabled, disable it.

    systemctl disable nm-cloud-setup.service nm-cloud-setup.timer
  3. Reboot the node.

    systemctl reboot

TLS certificate and key

Self-Hosted Standard Edition needs a transport layer security (TLS) certificate and key.

The certificate must be issued for the domains that are specified in the DNS settings section.

If you do not want to specify any certificate, you can use a self-signed certificate that is generated during installation.

What's next

Proceed with installing Instana. For more information, see Installing Instana backend and data stores.