Monitoring Oracle Multitenant database (public preview)

After you install the Instana host agent, the Oracle Multitenant database sensor is automatically installed, but you need to configure the sensor as outlined in the Configuring section. After you configure the sensor, you can monitor both the container database (CDB) and multiple pluggable databases (PDBs) and view their metrics in the Instana UI.

To monitor the Oracle Multitenant database in a Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster, do not install the Instana host agent on each node of the cluster. Install the host agents on dedicated host machines.

Supported information

Supported versions

Instana supports the following Oracle database versions for metrics and configuration data:

  • Oracle Database 18c (18.1.0 //
  • Oracle Database 19c (19.1.0 //
  • Oracle Database 21c (21.1.0)
  • Oracle Database 23ai (23.4.0)

Supported character sets

The Oracle Multitenant database sensor supports all character sets that are supported by Oracle to fetch metrics from the Oracle database. For more information about the character sets that the Oracle database supports, see Character Sets.


Use the remote configuration option to instruct the Instana agent to discover and monitor the Oracle Multitenant databases (CDB and PDBs) that are running on the same host or on other hosts where the agent cannot be installed for any reason.


Required DB permissions

To connect the sensor to Oracle and monitor the metrics and configuration data, you need to have the read permission for the following tables:

#Create a role

#Grant privileges to this role for following tables and viewes



#Assign this role to a user. Same user needs to be configured in the configuration yaml (see sensor configuration section).

Configuring the sensor

Instana supports remote monitoring for the Oracle Multitenant database.

To monitor Oracle Multitenant database, you need to provide the credentials through the <instana-agent-dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml agent configuration file.

Remote monitoring

To configure the remote monitoring of the Oracle Multitenant database, see the following configurations:

  remote: # we support listing multiple DBs here, both CDB's and PDB's!
    - host: '<ORCL_HOST_1>'
      port: '<ORCL_PORT>'
      user: '<ORCL_USER>' # default is 'sys as sysdba'
      password: '<ORCL_PASSWORD>'
      databaseSID: '<ORCL_DB_SID>' # either databaseSID or databaseServiceName is allowed
      databaseServiceName: '<ORCL_DB_SERVICE_NAME>'
      availabilityZone: 'Remote Monitoring'
      poll_rate: 20
    - host: '<ORCL_HOST_2>'
      port: '<ORCL_PORT>'
      user: '<ORCL_USER>' # default is 'sys as sysdba'
      password: '<ORCL_PASSWORD>'
      databaseSID: '<INSERT_DB_SID>' # either databaseSID or databaseServiceName is allowed
      databaseServiceName: '<ORCL_DB_SERVICE_NAME>'
      availabilityZone: 'Remote Monitoring'
      poll_rate: 5

The poll rate defines how often the sensor polls the Oracle Multitenant database metrics, in seconds. The default value is 1 second.

On the Infrastructure map, the remote OracleDB instance appears as a separate box with the name that is specified in the availabilityZone key in the configuration.yaml file. To locate the instance, enter entity.type:oracleDB in the Instana Dynamic Focus search bar.

Custom polling

The following table displays the metrics for which you can configure maximum three nonzero custom poll rates. By default, metrics with a poll rate as zero or less than zero is disabled. To disable any metric, remove that metric entry from the <instana-agent-dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml configuration file.

Name Description
TOP_ELAPSED_TIME_QUERIES List of the top elapsed time queries.
SQL_ID_CONSUMING_MORE_CPU List of SQLs that use more CPU.
USER_FOREGROUND_SESSIONS Displays active foreground sessions.
TOP_10_SQL_HIGH_IO_LAST_1_HR List of top SQL with high I/O in the last 1 hour.
TOP_TEN_CPU_CONSUMING_SESSION List of top CPU-consuming sessions.
TOP_CPU_CONSUMING_SESSION_LAST_10_MIN List of top CPU-consuming sessions in the last 10 minutes.
CURRENT_BLOCKING_SESSIONS Used to view information about the blocking sessions.
LIBRARY_CACHE_HIT_RATIO The ratio indicates the number of pin requests that result in pin hits.
ACTIVE_SESSIONS_RUNNING_MORE_THAN_600_SECS All active sessions that are running for more than 10 minutes in the Oracle database.
ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY Sampled session activity in the database.
TOP_10_SQL_HIGH_IO_LAST_24_HR List of top SQL with high I/O in the last 24 hours.
TOP_CPU_QUERIES_LAST_24_HRS List of top CPU-consuming queries in the last 24 hours.
QUERIES_NOT_USING_BINDING_VARIABLES List of queries that don't use the bind variable in the code.
Remote monitoring

See the following configuration for remote monitoring for custom polling:

  remote: # we support listing multiple DBs here, both CDB's and PDB's!
    - host: '<ORCL_HOST_1>'
      port: '<ORCL_PORT>'
      user: '<ORCL_USER>' # default is 'sys as sysdba'
      password: '<ORCL_PASSWORD>'
      databaseSID: '<ORCL_DB_SID>' # either databaseSID or databaseServiceName is allowed
      databaseServiceName: '<ORCL_DB_SERVICE_NAME>'
      availabilityZone: 'Remote Monitoring'
      poll_rate: 20
      customPolling: # Restricted to maximum 3 nonzero poll rates
        - poll_rate: 30 # in seconds
        - poll_rate: 60 # in seconds
            - TOP_10_SQL_HIGH_IO_LAST_1_HR
        - poll_rate: 3600 # in seconds
            - TOP_10_SQL_HIGH_IO_LAST_24_HR
            - TOP_CPU_QUERIES_LAST_24_HRS

Viewing metrics

To view metrics for the Oracle Multitenant database, complete the following steps:

  1. In the sidebar of the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
  2. Click a specific monitored host.

You can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Configuration data

  • Version
  • SID
  • Service names
  • Start time
  • CPU count
  • Max sessions
  • DB block size

Performance metrics

Metric Description Granularity
Running Process Count Number of processes that are running. 1 second
Active Sessions (More Than 10 Mins) All active sessions in the Oracle database that are running for more than 10 minutes. 30 seconds
DB Time per Second Amount of elapsed time that is spent on performing the database user-level calls. 1 second
DB CPU Time Amount of CPU time that is spent on performing the database user-level calls. 1 second
SQL Execute Time Amount of elapsed time during which the SQL query statements are running. 1 second
Parse Time Amount of elapsed time that is spent parsing the SQL query statements. It includes both the soft and hard parse time. 1 second
Database CPU Time Ratio Amount of CPU used in the database by the amount of total database time. 1 second
Wait Time per Second Wait time per second for User I/O, Other, System I/O, Concurrency, Scheduler, Application, Commit, Configuration, Administrative, Network, and Queueing. 1 second
Library Cache Hit Ratio (Pin Hits) The ratio indicates the number of pin requests that result in pin hits. 30 seconds
SGA Total Memory Total memory in System Global Area (SGA) in MB. 1 second
SGA Used Memory Memory that is used by SGA in MB. 1 second
SGA Free Memory Free memory in SGA in MB. 1 second
SGA Pool Name Pool name of the System Global Area (SGA). 1 second
SGA Pool Total Memory Total memory in SGA Pool in MB. 1 second
SGA Pool Used Memory Used memory in SGA Pool in MB. 1 second
SQL Execution Count Total number of SQL queries that are run. 1 second
SQL Execution Average Time Average SQL execution time. 1 second
SQL Parse Count Hard and total parse count. 1 second
SQL Parse Ratios Ratio of SQL executions that are performed with soft parse and without any parses. 1 second
User Calls Number of calls, commits, and rollbacks. 1 second
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Percentage of pages that are found in the buffer cache without having to read from disk. 1 second
Physical and Logical Session Reads Number of physical and logical reads. 1 second
Sessions Number of user sessions (active and inactive), and the number of background sessions. 1 second
Tablespace Usage Tablespace (permanent, temporary, and undo) usage in GB, tablespace usage in percentage, maximum size of the tablespace, and auto-extensible flag. 1 second
Top CPU Queries (Last 24 Hr) List of top CPU queries in the last 24 hours with CPU time in milliseconds, number of disk reads, and the total amount of time during which the query is run. 1 hour
Queries Not Using Bind Variable List of queries that do not use bind variables in the code with number of query copies, number of query executions, and the total memory that is used by SQL query in MB. 1 hour
Top Elapsed Time Queries List of top elapsed time queries with SQL ID, SQL query, and execution time in minutes. 60 seconds
Active Session History (Last 1 Hr) Sampled session activity in the database for the last one hour with SQL ID, load percentage, and session count. 60 seconds
Top Ten CPU Consuming Sessions List of top ten CPU-consuming sessions with session ID, serial number, CPU time in minutes, and operating system program name. 60 seconds
Top CPU Consuming Sessions (Last 10 Min) List of top CPU-consuming sessions in the last 10 minutes with session ID, serial number, and total amount of time during which the query is run. 30 seconds
Top Ten SQL With High IO (Last 1 Hr) List of top ten SQL queries with high I/O in the last 1 hour with SQL ID, username, and total wait time in milliseconds. 60 seconds
Current Blocking Sessions Information about the blocking sessions. 30 seconds
Foreground Sessions Active foreground sessions. 60 seconds
SQL Consuming More CPU List of SQL queries that use more CPU. 60 seconds
Top Ten SQL With High IO Last 24 Hr List of top ten SQL queries with high I/O in the last 24 hours. 1 hour

Health signatures

For each sensor, a curated knowledge base of health signatures is evaluated continuously against the incoming metrics and is used to raise issues or incidents that impact the user.