Informix edition installer

You may run the Informix edition installer to switch the edition of a 14.10 Informix installation from one edition to another. Run the edition installer as the user Informix, or as the same user that installed a private installation. This requires Java 1.8.0 to install.
Note: When using either:

  • Java 11 or later than 11.0.19

  • Java 17 or later than 17.0.7

  • any later version of JAVA,

you must set the addtional java option to command line before the -jar option:


Launch interactive install using:

$INFORMIXDIR/jvm/jre/bin/java -jar ee_edition.jar -i <console|gui>

Silent install can be done using:

$INFORMIXDIR/jvm/jre/bin/java -jar ee_edition.jar -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR=$INFORMIXDIR -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE -i silent.

Alternatively the ids_install or iwa_install installer will invoke the edition installer for you. All you need to do is copy ee_edition.jar to the same directory as ids_install, and run the ids_install as normal. If there are multiple edition installers in the installation folder the first found from the list below will be installed:
  • Advanced Enterprise Edition (aee)
  • Advanced Developer Edition (ade)
  • Advanced Enterprise Time Limited Edition (aetl)
  • Enterprise Edition (ee)
  • Time Limited Edition (tl)
  • Workgroup Edition (we)
  • Express Edition (e)
  • Innovator-C Edition (ie)
  • Developer Edition (de)