IBM® Informix® Client Software Development Kit, Version 4.10

Informix ODBC Driver Guide

These topics serve as a user guide and reference for IBM® Informix® ODBC Driver, which is the Informix implementation of the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, Version 3.0.

These topics explain how to use the IBM Informix ODBC Driver application programming interface (API) to access an Informix database and interact with an Informix database server.

These topics are written for C programmers who use IBM Informix ODBC Driver to access Informix databases.

These topics assume that you have the following background:

For information about software compatibility, see the IBM Informix ODBC Driver release notes.

You can access the Informix information centers and other technical information such as technotes, white papers, and IBM Redbooks® publications online at

These topics are taken from IBM Informix ODBC Driver Programmer's Manual.

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To find the PDF, see Publications for the IBM Informix 12.10 family of products.
For the release notes, documentation notes, and/or machine notes, see the Release Notes page.
timestamp Release date: September 2013