IBM® Informix® 12.10

Dimension attributes

A dimension attribute is a column in a dimension table. Each attribute describes a level of summary within a dimension hierarchy.

The dimension elements define the hierarchical relationships within a dimension table. The dimension attributes describe the dimension elements in terms that are familiar to users. The following figure shows the dimension elements and corresponding attributes of the Account dimension.
Figure 1. Attributes that correspond to the dimension elements
Begin figure description - The dimension attributes of the dimension element named "Region" are: "Region", "Region size", and "Region manager". The dimension attributes of the dimension element named "Territory" are: "Territory", and "Salesperson". The Dimension attributes of the dimension element named "Account" are: "Account code", and "Account name". - end figure description
Because dimension attributes describe the items in a dimension, they are most useful when they are text.
Tip: Sometimes during the design process, it is unclear whether a numeric data field from a production data source is a measured fact or an attribute. Generally, if the numeric data field is a measurement that changes each time you sample it, the field is a fact. If field is a discretely valued description of something that is more or less constant, it is a dimension attribute.

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