IMS 15.5 system continuous delivery functions
IMS 15.5 system functions are delivered using PTFs as part of the IMS continuous delivery enhancement process and allow you to use new enhancements faster and more frequently.
Function description | APAR, PTF, and release date | IMS version | Applicable environments | IMS Tools |
IMS 15.5 release overview IMS uses a continuous delivery model to enhance the most recent in-service version of IMS. Instead of performing a full installation of IMS, you can migrate to IMS 15.5 from prior IMS 15.x releases by applying APAR PH59051. After the migration, output locations, including the output of the messages, commands, and log records that reflect IMS versions, are updated to 15.5. |
PH59051/UI96269, UI96270, UI96271, UI96272, UI96273 June 2024 |
15.5 |
Not impacted |
RACF PassTicket support for commands from IMS Connect to IMS OM This enhanced support enables IMS Connect users to authenticate user IDs for IMS Connect connections to IMS Operations Manager by using RACF PassTickets. The IMS Connect API (ICON API) for Java™ is also enhanced to accommodate this enhancement. |
PH51844/UI92221 July 2023 |
15.1 and later |
INQY ENVIRON2 enhancement The new INQY call ENVIRON2 subfunction returns more information about an IMS execution environment than the ENVIRON subfunction. ENVIRON2 returns fields such as primary and active JVM addressing modes, Managed ACB activation, IMS installed version, and IMS function level. |
PH45098/UI90543 February 2023 |
15.1 and later |
Non-stop PSB after an application abends in a non-message-driven BMP region With this enhancement, you can program the Non-Discardable Messages exit (DFSNDMX0) to control programs after an application abends in a non-message-driven BMP region. To do so, this enhancement provides new keywords that you can use with the optional NDMX_CALLED_FOR() parameter. |
PH41104/UI90217 January 2023 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Extended Terminal Option Support 3.2: PH49840/UI82787 Others: Not impacted |
IMS JDBC Map Case enhancement If you use a SQL SELECT * statement and a WHERE clause with the IMS Universal JDBC driver to retrieve map case fields from a segment, the returned results include all fields by default. You can simplify your results by using the removeInvalidCaseFields property to remove case fields from the result set that do not satisfy the DEPENDINGON field condition in the WHERE clause. |
PH48054/UI82397 September 2022 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS Connect send-only with error protocol enhancement IMS Connect clients can use the new send-only with error protocol to send transactions and receive errors that occur in IMS Connect. By using the send-only with error protocol, clients could receive responses for errors that occur in IMS Connect while maintaining the high throughput of the send only protocol. |
PH41890/UI81659 July 2022 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS compliance control blocks support Operation Manager and IMS address spaces copy and consolidate internal compliance audit settings into new compliance data control blocks that are source-shipped. These address spaces then provide the address of the control blocks by using a z/OS®® name and token pair with the name BPECOMPLIANCEDAT. |
PH42600/UI80770 May 2022 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Fast Monitor (FASTMON) user exit enhancement The IMS Fast Monitor user exit (FASTMON) provides a programming interface to capture the same data that is available to the IMS Monitor. The IMS Fast Monitor (FASTMON) user exit, like the IMS Monitor (IMSMON) user exit, provides access to the IMS Monitor data without the need to modify IMS code. |
PH24963/UI76510 July 2021 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
ACEE creation and management enhancement for ESAF Db2 interface The ESAF_SIGNON_ACEE=YES | NO option is added to the DFSJVMEV member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. You can use this parameter to enable the IMS system to create and manage the ACEE in a persistent JVM dependent region for ESAF threads. |
PH33024/UI76067 June 2021 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
HEX and binary literal support in JDBC SQL queries IMS Universal JDBC Drivers support the usage of HEX and binary literals in SQL syntax. The supported SQL statements for literals include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and fields in the WHERE clause. |
PH 25586/UI71410 September 2020 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS support for IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator gathers statistical data from participating applications, and generates synchronized, standardized, summarized data across z/OS and middleware stack. |
PH15062/UI70312 July 2020 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS installed level enhancement in the IMS Monitor log record The IMS installed level is added to the IMS Monitor's start record, the X'4E90' record. |
PH17307/UI68217 March 2020 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Performance Analyzer 4.4: PH22481/UI68673 IMS Problem Investigator 2.4: PH23704/UI69102 IMS Problem Investigator 2.5: PH23716/UI69234 |
INIT OLC TYPE(ACBMBR) command enhancement The INIT OLC TYPE(ACBMBR) command has a new option called BLDPSBNO. The BLDPSBNO option enables you to change DBDs that do not have structural updates. |
PH16612/UI67189, UI67190 December 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Overflow sequential access method (OSAM) data set encryption You can enable OSAM data set z/OS encryption, which allows you to enhance security without changes to applications and to reduce outages. |
PI85987/UI66794, UI66795 December 2019 |
15.2 and later |
See IMS Tools and data set encryption support |
REXXIMS MAPDEF packed decimal function enhancement The IMS adapter REXXIMS is enhanced to increase the max MAPDEF length value to 16 bytes for packed (P) and 32 bytes for zoned (Z) data types. |
PH16409/UI66831 December 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Data privacy for diagnostics support for IMS 64-bit storage To protect sensitive diagnostic data that is sent to IBM or other third-party vendors, you can use a sample job that runs against an IMS dump to redact 64-bit storage objects that have been tagged as sensitive by IMS. Requests for certain 64-bit storage objects in IMS are made by specifying the IARV64 SENSITIVE= parameter to tag the storage as possibly containing or not containing customer-sensitive data. |
PH14059/UI65556 September 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Password phrase enhancement for IMS Connect IMS Connect is enhanced to support password phrases with 9 - 100 characters for IMS database clients using Open Database function and for IMS transaction manager user-provided clients using HWSSMPL0, HWSSMPL1, or equivalent user-defined exit routines. |
PH14651/UI65540 September 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS installed level API (DFSGVRM) enhancement Use the DFSGVRM API to get the version, release, and modification level of an IMS system. |
PH14457/UI65422, UI65423, UI65424, UI65425, UI65426 September 2019 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Recovery Expert: PH19397/UI66692 IMS Cloning Tool 1.2: PH18926/UI66638 Others: Not impacted |
ByteBuffers in the IMS Universal JDBC and DL/I Interfaces All users of IMS Universal Driver running IMS 15 or later can use byte buffers as an I/O area to INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE full segment areas from an SQL query. A new interface for issuing ICAL and enhanced support for Dynamic Arrays and ArrayResultSets have also been added. |
PH14157/UI64958 August 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
ODBM RAS U210 prevention enhancement IMS Connect has been enhanced to prevent U210 abend in IMS when UDB applications terminate with work in progress. |
PH07679/UI62878 July 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Dynamic enablement of zHyperWrite enhancement Dynamic enablement of zHyperWrite enhancement provides a new parameter, ZHYPERWRITE, to the UPDATE IMS SET(LCLPARM) command to allow you to dynamically enable or disable IBM zHyperWrite for the online log data sets (OLDS) and write-ahead log data set (WADS). |
PH02149/UI61325 February 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Database segment mapping enhancement The database segment mapping enhancement allows application developers to access an IMS database segment whose schema is determined by the key feedback data from a parent segment without knowledge of the database schema. |
PH05433/UI61285 February 2019 APAR PH03426 for IMS Universal Drivers October 2018 PI97302/ UI59327 October 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
STOP REGION command enhancement The /STOP REGION command has a new ABDUMP FORCE keyword to terminate regions with a TERM PENDING or WAIT-INIT-INPROG status when a CREATE THREAD is not performed on IMS. |
PH05432/UI60488 January 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Starting Common Service Layer components enhancement This enhancement enables IMS to automatically start in an Resource Manager environment, the Operations Manager, Structured Call Interface (SCI), and RM address spaces of the CSL. |
PH04044/UI60475 January 2019 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS restart message enhancement Message DFS5055I is added to enable you to determine whether an IMS restart is in progress, completed, or hung. |
PH01551/UI59302 27 October 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Open Database Manager (ODBM) and JDBC driver support for INIT STATUS Group call ODBM allows an INIT STATUS GROUPx call from an application by using IMS Universal Drivers (UDB). Issuing the INIT STATUS GROUPA call avoids ABEND U3303 and issuing the INIT STATUS GROUPB call avoids ABEND U0777. |
PH02698/UI58748PH00366/UI58745 October 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
RACF PassTicket support for DRDA clients enhancement RACF® PassTickets is used to authenticate users who access an IMS database from IMS Connect clients that use the Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA) protocol. |
PI99040/UI58288 PH02135/UI58345 September 2018 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Connect Extensions 3.1: PH16143/UI65791 Others: Not impacted |
UPDATE TRAN command enhancement You can run the UPDATE TRAN command with the PLCTTIME attribute to specify whether or not dynamic resource definition (DRD) is enabled. |
PH00581/UI58235 September 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Log record PARDLI flag enhancement The X'08' log record has been enhanced to include a flag that indicates the use of the parallel DL/I mode (PARDLI) of the IMS application region that an application has been scheduled into. |
PI99293/UI58053 28 August 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Displaying RACF sign-on messages You can configure IMS to pass RACF sign-on messages to the Greeting Message exit routine (DFSGMSG0) when sign-on is successful. You can code the DFSGMSG0 user exit routine to display or process the RACF messages to improve security and password management. |
PI85328/UI57462, UI57463 July 2018 |
15.1 and later |
IMS Extended Terminal Option Support 3.2: PH04092/UI60354 Others: Not impacted |
IMS Universal Database resource adapter connectivity enhancement for WebSphere Application Server Liberty The IMS Universal Database resource adapter is enhanced to provide type-2 and type-4 connectivity support for WebSphere Application Server Liberty. |
PI95663/UI57273 July 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IVP support for 8-character TSO/E user IDs on z/OS 2.3 The IVP supports the use of 8-character TSO/E user IDs. This requires that IMS run on z/OS® 2.3 or later. |
PI94550/UI56602 June 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
IMS Connect message HWSC0010I enhancement IMS Connect message HWSC0010I is enhanced to be issued after IMS Connect initialization is complete. With this enhancement, system administrators can start automated operations after message HWSC0010I is issued to ensure that their automated operations and requests are processed by IMS Connect. |
PI91859/UI55921 May 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Generic return code enhancement for RACF verifications(IMS CONNECT - RACFGENRC OPTION) The RACFGENRC= parameter is added to the HWS statement of the HWSCFGxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to allow you to specify whether a generic return code or message is returned by IMS Connect. The generic return code or message is issued if RACF is used to verify sign-ons from IMS Connect clients and the user ID or password provided is invalid. |
PI94909/UI55527 April 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Generic return code enhancement for RACF verifications (IMS - SGNGENRC OPTION) The SGNGENRC= parameter for procedures is added to allow you to specify whether a generic return code is issued by IMS if RACF is used to verify sign-ons to IMS and the user ID or password provided is invalid. |
PI95173/UI55198, UI55199 April 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Data set support for zHyperWrite Specify whether to use zHyperWrite for writing data to the write-ahead log data sets (WADS) and online log data sets (OLDS). The command output of /DISPLAY OLDS shows whether zHyperWrite is used when data is written to the OLDS or WADS. |
PI75575/UI54239 March 2018 PI82325/UI54815 April 2018 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |
Function level activation control enhancement Dynamically enable or disable new IMS functions that are delivered as PTFs under the IMS continuous delivery model without causing an IMS system outage. After you install a new IMS function, you control when to enable and disable the function by using the UPDATE IMSFUNC command. |
PI83839/UI52153 December 2017 |
15.1 and later |
Not impacted |