Adding entries to the z/OS Program Properties Table

Use the z/OS® Program Properties Table (PPT) to identify a list of programs that require special attributes, or to change the attributes of the IBM-supplied default entries.

In an IMS environment, you must update the PPT for the following IMS components or address spaces:

  • IMS control region
  • Base Primitive Environment
  • Common Queue Server
  • Common Service Layer
  • IMS Connect
  • IRLM

For more information about updating the program properties table, see the topic on the SCHEDxx SYS1.PARMLIB member in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference


  1. Edit the SCHEDxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set.
  2. Add the entry for the component or address space to the SCHEDxx member. Examples are shown below.
  3. To make the SCHEDxx changes effective, you can do one of the following:
    1. IPL the z/OS system again.
    2. Issue the z/OS SET SCH= command.

Updating the PPT for the IMS control region

An IMS online environment (DB/DC, DBCTL, DCCTL) requires this PPT entry.

Although DFSMVRC0 is predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS V1R4 and later, you must ensure that there is an entry for module DFSMVRC0 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT, no further action is required. If you removed the default entry for DFSMVRC0, you must reinstate this entry using the procedure above.

If you are only using IMS BATCH, this entry is not needed.

A sample of the required entry is shown below and can be found in the IMS.INSTALIB data set. See IVP jobs and tasks in IMS Version 15.4 Installation for the correct entry titled Update SCHEDxx -- PPT Entries.

                             /* IMS ONLINE CONTROL REGION            */
   PPT PGMNAME(DFSMVRC0)     /* PROGRAM NAME = DFSMVRC0              */
            CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELLED             */
            KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7            */
            NOSWAP           /* PROGRAM IS NOT-SWAPPABLE             */
            NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED            */
            SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK             */
            DSI              /* DOES REQUIRE DATA SET INTEGRITY      */
            PASS             /* PASSWORD PROTECTION ACTIVE           */
            AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                      */

The PPT Entry for program DFSMVRC0 must specify NOSWAP as shown.

Updating the PPT for BPE

Although BPEINI00 is predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS, you must ensure that there is an entry for module BPEINI00 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT, no further action is required. If you removed the default entry for BPEINI00, you must reinstate this entry using the procedure above.

Separate PPT entries for BPE-based DBRC and for IMS Connect are not required.

          CANCEL              /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELED       */
          KEY(7)              /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7     */
          NOSWAP              /* PROGRAM IS NON-SWAPPABLE      */
          NOPRIV              /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED     */
          DSI                 /* REQUIRES DATA SET INTEGRITY   */
          SYST                /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK      */
          AFF(NONE)           /* NO CPU AFFINITY               */

Updating the PPT for CQS

If you are using CQS, either the CQSINIT0 or the BPEINI00 z/OS PPT entry is required.

Although CQSINIT0 and BPEINI00 are predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS V1R4 and later, you must ensure that there is an entry for module CQSINIT0 or BPEINI00 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT, no further action is required. If you removed the default entries for CQSINIT0 and BPEINI00, you must reinstate at least one of those entries using the procedure above.

A sample of the CQSINIT0 entry is shown below and can be found in the IMS.INSTALIB data set.

                             /* CQS - COMMON QUEUE SERVER            */
   PPT PGMNAME(CQSINIT0)     /* PROGRAM NAME = CQSINIT0              */
            CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELLED             */
            KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7            */
            NOSWAP           /* PROGRAM IS NOT-SWAPPABLE             */
            NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED            */
            SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK             */
            DSI              /* DOES REQUIRE DATA SET INTEGRITY      */
            PASS             /* PASSWORD PROTECTION ACTIVE           */
            AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                      */
            NOPREF           /* NO PREFERRED STORAGE FRAMES          */

The PPT Entry for program CQSINIT0 must specify NOSWAP as shown.

Updating the PPT for CSL

The Common Service Layer (CSL), which consists of address spaces operations manager (OM), resource manager (RM), and structured call interface (SCI), requires an entry in the PPT. Only one entry is necessary for the CSL.

Although BPEINI00 is predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS V1R4 and later, you must ensure that there is an entry for module BPEINI00 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT, no further action is required. If you removed the default entry for BPEINI00, you must reinstate this entry using the procedure above.

                             /* CSL - COMMON SERVICE LAYER           */
   PPT PGMNAME(BPEINI00)     /* PROGRAM NAME = BPEINI00              */
            CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELLED             */
            KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7            */
            NOSWAP           /* PROGRAM IS NOT-SWAPPABLE             */
            NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED            */
            DSI              /* REQUIRES DATA SET INTEGRITY          */
            PASS             /* CANNOT BYPASS PASSWORD PROTECTION    */
            SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK             */
            AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                      */

Updating the PPT for IMS Connect

IMS Connect uses the predefined z/OS Program Properties Table entry BPEINI00, but HWSHWS00 is also supported.

If using BPEINI00, you must ensure that there is an entry for module BPEINI00 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT that was predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS V1R4 and later, no further action is required. If you removed the default entry for BPEINI00, you must reinstate this entry using the procedure above.

The examples shown below use HWSHWS00 instead of BPEINI00.

You can include both entries in the PPT, for example, in an environment that runs both IMS Connect Version 11 and IMS Connect Version 12.

For TCP/IP communications only, add the following entry in the z/OS PPT:
         CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELED           */
         KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7         */
         SWAP             /* PROGRAM IS SWAPPABLE              */
         NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED         */
         DSI              /* REQUIRES DATA SET INTEGRITY       */
         SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK          */
         AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                   */
If you are using local option for client communications, either by itself or with TCP/IP communications, add the following entry in the z/OS PPT:
         CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELED           */
         KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7         */
         NOSWAP           /* PROGRAM IS NOT SWAPPABLE          */
         NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED         */
         DSI              /* REQUIRES DATA SET INTEGRITY       */
         SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK          */
         AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                   */

Updating the PPT for IRLM

If you are using IRLM, the following z/OS PPT entry is required.

Although DXRRLM00 is predefined in the default PPT that is shipped with z/OS V1R4 and later, you must ensure that there is an entry for module DXRRLM00 in the z/OS Program Properties Table. If you did not modify the default z/OS PPT, no further action is required. If you removed the default entry for DXRRLM00, you must reinstate this entry using the procedure above.

A sample of the required entry is shown below and can be found in the IMS.INSTALIB data set.

                             /* IRLM - RESOURCE LOCK MANAGER         */
PPT PGMNAME(DXRRLM00)        /* PROGRAM NAME = DXRRLM00              */
            CANCEL           /* PROGRAM CAN BE CANCELLED             */
            KEY(7)           /* PROTECT KEY ASSIGNED IS 7            */
            NOSWAP           /* PROGRAM IS NOT-SWAPPABLE             */
            NOPRIV           /* PROGRAM IS NOT PRIVILEGED            */
            SYST             /* PROGRAM IS A SYSTEM TASK             */
            DSI              /* DOES REQUIRE DATA SET INTEGRITY      */
            PASS             /* PASSWORD PROTECTION ACTIVE           */
            AFF(NONE)        /* NO CPU AFFINITY                      */

The PPT Entry for program DXRRLM00 must specify NOSWAP as shown.