IMS initialization with the IMSRSC repository

During IMS initialization, IMS reads the REPOSITORY section of the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

If IMS is not enabled with DRD (MODBLKS=OLC is specified in the Common Service Layer section of the DFSDFxxx member or in the DFSCGxxx member), or IMS is defined with RMENV=N (IMS is not using RM services), then the REPOSITORY section is ignored. A DFS4402W message is issued, indicating that the REPOSITORY section is ignored.

If TYPE=IMSRSC is specified in the CSLRIxxx member, IMS tries to connect to the Resource Manager (RM) for the IMSRSC repository. If RM is defined to manage the repository type that IMS requests, a successful return code is returned for the RM repository connect request. When IMS successfully connects to the RM for the repository, a DFS4404I message is issued.

If RM is not enabled for the repository type IMS is requesting, an error return code is returned for the RM repository connect request. IMS issues message DFS4400E and IMS initialization terminates with abend code 0400. Any other error return and reason code from RM results in a DFS4401E message with the RM return and reason code. After the DFS4401E error message, IMS initialization terminates with abend code 0400.

If AUTOIMPORT=AUTO is specified and the REPOSITORY section is defined in the DFSDFxxx member, the DFS3409I message is issued during IMS initialization instead of DFS3499I, because IMS is not yet connected to the repository. The DFS3499I message is issued during coldstart, indicating where the resource definitions are imported from.

If IMS is enabled with the repository, AUTOIMPORT=AUTO is specified in the DFSDFxxx member, and the repository contains the stored resource definitions for IMS, the DFS3399I message is issued, indicating that the automatic import is from the repository.

If the repository does not contain any stored resource definitions for the IMS, the DFS3399I message is issued, specifying that either the resource definition data set (RDDS) or the MODBLKS data set is being used.

If the repository is empty, the DFS4405W message is issued, indicating that no resources are imported from the repository.

If AUTOIMPORT=REPO or RDDS or MODBLKS is specified, the DFS3499I message is issued during IMS initialization.

When the stored resource definitions are imported from the repository during cold start or IMPORT command processing, the DEFNTYPE is set to IMPORT.