Format of the XIB1 exit interface block
The XIB1 exit interface block is mapped by the HWSXIB1 macro.
The following table describes the fields and field offsets of the XIB1 exit interface block.
Field | Dec Offset | Hex Offset | Length | Value |
XIB1_HEADER | 0 | X'00' | 0 | Align on doubleword. |
XIB1_EYE | 0 | X'00' | 4 | Eye catcher. |
XIB1_ODBMS | 4 | X'04' | 4 | Address of the XIBOD exit interface block that contains ODBM and data store information. |
XIB1_UFLD_CNT | 8 | X'08' | 4 | User field count. |
XIB1_ARCHLVL | 12 | X'0C' | 1 | Architecture level of the XIB1 exit
interface block.
Reserved | 13 | X'0D' | 3 | Reserved for IMS Connect. |
XIB1_XIB | 16 | X'10' | 4 | Address of the XIB. |
Reserved | 20 | X'24' | 16 | Reserved. |
XIB1_USERAREA | 36 | X'24' | 0F | Start of the user area of the XIB1. |