Fallback from IMS-managed ACBs to ACBLIBs
The procedure for falling back from the IMS management of ACBs to the installation-managed ACB libraries (ACBLIBs) is different depending on whether your installation has activated any new or modified databases or program views since the IMS management of ACBs was enabled.
Falling back from IMS-managed ACBs before resource updates are activated
If your installation has not activated any new or modified databases or program views since enabling the IMS management of ACBs and your ACB, DBD, and PSB libraries are unchanged, the procedure for falling back from the IMS management of ACBs to the installation-managed ACB libraries (ACBLIBs) involves updating the DFSDFxxx member, changing various references to the IMS catalog back to references to the ACB, DBD, and PSB libraries, and restarting IMS.
Falling back from IMS-managed ACBs to installation-managed ACBLIBs
If your installation has activated new or modified databases or program views after enabling the IMS management of ACBs, the procedure for falling back to installation-managed ACB libraries (ACBLIBs) includes recreating the DBD, PSB, and ACB libraries from the active resources in the IMS catalog.