Program Specification Block (PSB) Generation utility

The Program Specification Block (PSB) Generation utility generates PSBs from macro instructions that describe the characteristics of application programs and the use of logical terminals and logical data structures.

The PSB Generation utility is required before you can run an application program under IMS™. The ACB Maintenance utility uses the PSBs together with database descriptors (DBDs) to create application control blocks (ACBs) for use during run time.

The PSB generation statements supply the identification and characteristics of the IMS resources to be used. These program communication blocks (PCBs) represent message destinations and databases that are used by the application program. In addition, there must be a statement that supplies the characteristics of the application program itself. There must be one PSB for each message, batch, or Fast Path program. The name of the PSB and its associated application program must be the same in a telecommunications system.

If you require only an I/O PCB and a single, modifiable alternate PCB, you can use a generated PSB (GPSB) to describe the resources that are required for your application program. GPSBs can be used in any online environment, and are typically used in DCCTL application programs. You do not need to perform PSBGEN for GPSBs.

Attention: If the PROCOPT values allow a BMP application to insert, replace, or delete segments in the databases, ensure that a BMP application does not update a combined total of more than 300 databases and HALDB partitions without committing the changes.

All full-function database types that have uncommitted updates count against the limit of 300. When you design a HALDB database, use particular caution because the number of partitions in HALDB databases is the most common reason for approaching the 300 database limit for uncommitted updates.



Currently, no restrictions are documented for the PSB Generation utility.


Currently, no prerequisites are documented for the PSB Generation utility.


Currently, no requirements are documented for the PSB Generation utility.


If your IMS system does not manage runtime application control blocks (ACB) by using the catalog, you must regenerate PSBs by using the PSBGEN utility after you import PSBs into z/OS by using IMS Explorer.

Input and output

The PSB Generation utility places the created PSB in the PSB library. Each PSB is a member of the operating system partitioned data set IMS.PSBLIB. For IMS batch execution (DL/I region type), the necessary database PCB PSB is loaded from PSBLIB and the expanded PSB needed for DL/I database PCB statement processing is built from it. ACB generation must be performed to prebuild the expanded PSBs into the ACBLIB. PSBLIB is used as input to the ACB generation process. Batch executions can also use prebuilt blocks from the ACBLIB by specifying region type 'DBB' on the JCL execute statement. When an application that is running in an online region (BMP) references a PSB with one or more GSAM PCBs defined, IMS uses ACBLIB with PSBLIB to build its internal control blocks. In this case, the PSB must be defined the same in both ACBLIB and PSBLIB.

The six types of statements used for a PSB generation are:

  • PCB statements for output message destinations other than the source of the input message. These statements are called alternate PCBs, and they are used in message processing, batch message processing, and Fast Path programs that interface with the IMS message queues.
  • PCB statements for DL/I and Fast Path databases. These statements are used by message, batch, and Fast Path processing programs to define interfaces to a database.
  • SENSEG statements for segments within a database to which the application program is sensitive. These statements are used with message, batch, and Fast Path processing programs to define logical data structures.
  • SENFLD statements for fields within a segment to which the application program is sensitive.
  • PSBGEN statement for each PSB. This statement is used to indicate the characteristics of the associated application program.
  • An assembler language END statement is required for each PSBGEN statement.

The list of statements used for a PSB generation does not include a PCB for the input message source. I/O PCBs exist within the IMS online control program nucleus for this purpose. Upon entry to the application program used for message processing, a PCB pointer to the source of the input message is provided as the first entry in a list of PCB address pointers. The remainder of the PCB list has a direct relationship to the PCBs as defined within the associated PSB and must be defined in the application program in the same order as defined during PSB generation. All PCBs can be used by the application program when making DL/I message and database calls. Only one PCB is used in a particular DL/I call.

You can exclude alternate, DL/I, Fast Path, and GSAM PCBs from the PCB list that is passed to the application program by defining a name for the PCB (PCBNAME=name) and specifying LIST=NO. You must name the PCB when you want to issue calls using the application interface block (AIB). The AIB can be used for all types of PCBs.

To test message processing or batch message processing programs in a batch processing region, use the CMPAT option of the PSBGEN statement. When CMPAT=YES is specified, IMS provides PCBs to the application as if it were executing in a message processing region. Using CMPAT eliminates the need to recompile the program between batch and online executions.

In the case of a batch program, no I/O PCB exists in the list unless you request it with the CMPAT option on the PSBGEN statement. Therefore, if CMPAT=YES is not specified, the PCB list provided to the program has a direct relationship to the PCBs within the PSB. No TP PCBs should be contained in a PSB for batch processing in a batch processing region.

In a TM batch environment, CMPAT=YES is implied and cannot be overridden by PSBGEN. The PCB list for application programs running in a DCCTL batch region always contains an I/O PCB.

You can specify alternate PCBs in a PSB associated with a batch program operative in an IMS batch message processing region. These PCBs are available for output message queuing. A batch program operative in batch message processing regions can access messages from the input message queue. An I/O PCB is always provided as in the case of a message processing program.

You can specify alternate and modifiable alternate PCBs in a PSB associated with a Fast Path program executing in a Fast Path region. A response alternate PCB with the same PTERM can be used to send a Fast Path output message back to the original PTERM with a different component attached to the terminal. You can use an alternate PCB (non-response mode) to send an output message to any terminal or IMS message queue.

You can reference the PCB list passed to the application program upon entry to the application program by the names defined within the application program for making DL/I calls and interrogating PCB information (status codes and feedback information). The address of a PCB can be the second parameter in a DL/I call from an application program to IMS. The PCB address can represent the source of the input message, the destination for an output message, or a database. Upon completion of a DL/I call, the PCB contains status and feedback information pertinent to the call.

Output messages and statistics

PSB generation produces three types of printed output and one load module, which becomes a member of the partitioned data set, IMS.PSBLIB. The types of output are:

Control Statement Listing
This is a listing of the input statement images to this job step.
Errors discovered during the processing of control statement result in diagnostic messages being printed immediately following the image of the last control statement read before the error was discovered. The message can either refer to the control statement immediately preceding it or the preceding group of control statements. It is also possible for more than one message to be printed for each control statement. In this case, they follow each other on the output listing. After all the control statements have been read, a further check is made of the logic of the entire deck. This can result in one or more additional diagnostic messages.

If an error is discovered, a diagnostic message is printed, the control statements are listed, and the other outputs are suppressed. However, all the control statements are read and checked before the PSB generation execution is terminated. The bind step of PSB generation is not executed if a control statement error has been found.

Assembler Listing
Except when PRINT NOGEN is specified, an operating system assembler language listing of the PSB created by PSB generation execution is provided.
Load Module
PSB generation is a two-step operating system job. Step 1 is a macro assembly execution that produces an object module. Step 2 is a bind of the object module, which produces a load module that becomes a member of IMS.PSBLIB.

JCL specifications

The PSB Generation utility executes as a standard operating system job. You must define an EXEC statement and an Utility control statement.

EXEC statement

Must be in the format