Activating OTMA routing rules in IMS Connect

OTMA routing rules defined in the IMS Connect Extensions repository only take effect in IMS Connect once you have activated OTMA rules-based routing.

Before you begin

Before you can activate OTMA routing rules in IMS Connect, you must first create some rules. See Routing OTMA workload to one or more IMS data stores. If you wish to use a routing plan to organize your routing rules, see Assigning OTMA routing rules to a plan.


  1. If you have not already done so, activate OTMA routing rules in the IMS Connect system definition.
    To do this, complete the following steps:
    1. From the IMS Connect Extensions primary menu, select option 1 Definitions.
    2. Select option 1 System Definitions.
    3. To edit the IMS Connect system definition you are interested in, enter line action S next to the name of the system.
    4. Enter a slash (/) next to the Activate OTMA rules option.
      Note: If you have not already done so, you must also select the Activate Advanced Features and Activate IMS Connect Extensions options.
      Figure 1. Activating OTMA routing rules in the System Definition panel in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
      /  Activate Advanced Features          
             Activate Pacing     
             Interval count . . . . 3 
             Warning threshold  . . 0            Reject threshold  . . 0      
             Activate Session Message Limit      Limit threshold . . . 500    
          /  Activate Security   
             /  Activate ACEE Cache              Ageing interval . . . 60    (Min)
                Activate validation              Security class  . . .          
                Validation type . .    +
             Activate IP Address Rules   
          Routing schemes                        Routing options
          /  Activate OTMA rules                    Define Applications for HWSOPGS1
             Activate ODBM rules                 /  Activate Workload Balancing
             Activate Transaction Routing       
          /  Activate Statistics Collection                          
      Related definitions:                                                          
          Edit IMS Connect configuration                          
    5. Press the Exit function key (F3) to save and exit the panel.
  2. To apply the changes you made in step 1, refresh the IMS Connect system.
    To do this, complete the followings steps:
    1. From the IMS Connect Extensions primary option menu, select option 2 Operations.
    2. Set View to option 2 Systems.
    3. Enter line action CX next to the desired system.
      The Commands panel is displayed.
    4. Select option 2 Refresh.
      The Refresh Commands panel is displayed.
    5. Select option 1 System Definition and then press Enter.
    6. Select the command displayed on the Command Preprocessor panel by entering line action / next to the command.
      Figure 2. Refreshing the system definition in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
        File  Menu  Help 
                                    Command Processor                Row 1 to 1 of 1 
      Command ===>                                                                  
      Enter "/" to select commands then press Enter to process.
        Command                                                              Response
      / HWSOPGS1 REFRESH SYSTEM DEFINITION                                   
      ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
    7. Press Enter to submit the request. The result for each command is displayed in the Response column. A response of 0000 indicates that the command was processed successfully.
  3. To ensure your IMS Connect system has the latest IMS data store definitions from your repository, perform a refresh for each IMS data store associated with the IMS Connect.
    To do this, complete the followings steps:
    1. Press the Exit function key (F3) to return to the Refresh Commands panel.
    2. Use the the Prompt function key (F4) in the field to the right of the Datastore field to select an IMS data store defined in the IMS Connect Extensions repository.
    3. Select option 2 Datastore and then press Enter.
    4. Select the command displayed on the Command Preprocessor panel by entering line action / next to the command.
      Figure 3. Refreshing an IMS data store definition in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
        File  Menu  Help 
                                    Command Processor                Row 1 to 1 of 1 
      Command ===>                                                                  
      Enter "/" to select commands then press Enter to process.
        Command                                                              Response
      / HWSOPGS1 REFRESH DATASTORE IMSA                                   
      ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
    5. Press Enter to submit the request. The result for each command is displayed in the Response column. A response of 0000 indicates that the command was processed successfully.
    6. Repeat this process for each IMS data store as required.
  4. Optional: If you have assigned one or more routing rules to a routing plan, activate the routing plan.
    To do this, complete the followings steps:
    1. Press the Exit function key (F3) until you to return to the Commands panel.
    2. Select option 4 Set.
    3. Select option 7 Routing Plan.
    4. Use the the Prompt function key (F4) in the field to the right of the Activate OTMA Routing Plan field to select a plan from a list of routing plans defined in the IMS Connect Extensions repository.
    5. Enter / to the left of the Activate OTMA Routing Plan field.
      Figure 4. Activating an OTMA routing plan in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
         File  Menu  Help 
                                      Set Routing Plan 
       Command ===>                                                                  
       System Definition . . : HWSOPGS1 
       Description . . . . . : ICON SYA                       
       Make changes then press Enter to generate commands.
       /  Activate OTMA Routing Plan . WEEKDAY   +
          Activate ODBM Routing Plan .           +
    6. Press Enter.
      The Command Processor panel is displayed.
    7. Select the command displayed on the Command Preprocessor panel by entering line action / next to the command.
    8. Press Enter to submit the request. The result for each command is displayed in the Response column. A response of 0000 indicates that the command was processed successfully.
  5. Refresh your OTMA routing rules.
    To do this, complete the followings steps:
    1. Press the Exit function key (F3) until you to return to the Commands panel.
    2. Select option 2 Refresh.
    3. Select option 7 OTMA Routing Rules and then press Enter.
    4. Select the command displayed on the Command Preprocessor panel by entering line action / next to the command.
      Figure 5. Refreshing the OTMA routing rules in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
        File  Menu  Help 
                                    Command Processor                Row 1 to 1 of 1 
      Command ===>                                                                  
      Enter "/" to select commands then press Enter to process.
        Command                                                              Response
      / HWSOPGS2 REFRESH OTMA ROUTING RULES                                  
      ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
    5. Press Enter to submit the request. The result for each command is displayed in the Response column. A response of 0000 indicates that the command was processed successfully.
    Note: Routing rules are also refreshed when IMS Connect is restarted.
  6. Browse the message log for an IMS Connect system to review the rules that are now in-effect.

What to do next

To switch to a new routing plan, simply repeat steps 4 and 5. You only need to refresh the IMS Connect system and IMS data store definitions when you first create the definitions or when the IMS Connect Extensions repository definition has been modified.