
The mpi_stdfunc table stores standardization function definitions.

Expanded name
Standardization Functions
Table category
Base configuration
This dictionary table provides definitions for the data standardization functions. These functions are used to “format data so that the hash values can be consistently calculated.
This table references the mpi_libhead through libcode. This table references mpi_stdtype through both stdtype1 and stdtype2.
Table 1. mpi_stdfunc Attribute Descriptions
Attribute Description
caudrecno Creation of this particular record, from mpi_audhead
maudrecno Last time the record value was modified, from mpi_audhead
recstat Record status; A(ctive) or I(nactive)
stdfunccode Standardization function code value
stdfuncname Standardization function name
stdinitname Initialization function name for the standardization function being defined
stddonename Clean up function name for the standardization function being defined
stdfuncdesc Standardization function description
libcode Code of the derived data library, from mpi_libhead
minargs Minimum arguments allowed for the standardization function being defined
maxargs Maximum arguments allowed for the standardization function being defined
minflds Minimum required number of fields
maxflds Maximum number of fields used
stdtype1 Standard data type
stdtype2 Standard data type

mpi_stdfunc SQL:

CREATE TABLE mpi_stdfunc
caudrecno    bigint		NOT NULL,
maudrecno    bigint		NOT NULL,
recstat      nchar(1)      	NOT NULL,
stdfunccode  nvarchar(12)  	NOT NULL,
stdfuncname  nvarchar(40)  	NOT NULL,
stdinitname  nvarchar(40)  	NULL,
stddonename  nvarchar(40)  	NULL,
stdfuncdesc  nvarchar(255)	NULL,
libcode      nvarchar(12)  	NOT NULL,
minargs      smallint		NOT NULL,
maxargs      smallint		NOT NULL, 
minflds      smallint		NOT NULL,
maxflds      smallint		NOT NULL,
stdtype1     nvarchar(8)   	NOT NULL,
stdtype2     nvarchar(8)   	NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mpi_stdfunc1 ON mpi_stdfunc (stdfunccode)