WSDL file structures

InfoSphere® MDM Web Services are described by a series of WSDL and XSD files.

The WSDL elements that describe the services are separated into various files based on their level of abstraction. Data type definitions are separated from service descriptions and placed into XSD files.

The files contain the following kinds of descriptions and definitions:
Note: The <ServiceName> is equivalent to the ProjectName.
  • <ServiceName>.wsdl contains:
    • The service endpoint address for the service named <ServiceName>.
    • The bindings of the service port to a particular messaging and transport protocol. For InfoSphere MDM, the default bindings are SOAP and HTTP(S). Other bindings (such as SOAP over JMS) use different file names.
    • The style and encoding of the service. In the case of InfoSphere MDM, the encoding is document-literal wrapped.
    • Descriptions for the service's port in terms of its operations and their corresponding input/output messages.
  • MDMWSDLCommon.wsdl contains descriptions of Web Service specific element types that are common and shared by multiple port descriptions, such as:
    • The base service fault type.
    • The inquiry type.
  • MDMDomains.xsd contains data type definitions for domain-specific types used in the description of the service’s operations and messages. This schema is also used for RMI XML transaction messages.
  • MDMCommon.xsd contains the data type definitions for non-domain-specific types used in the description of the service’s operations and messages. This schema is also used for RMI XML transaction messages.

WSDL file relationships

The following diagram shows the relationships between the various files used to describe the Web Services.

Relationships between the WSDL and XSD files that describe the Web Services

The domain XSD file includes MDMCommon.xsd, which in turn contains any custom domain XSD files. InfoSphere MDM implementations can modify the <ServiceName>_extension.xsd file to import their particular data types (contained in XSD files).

Restriction: You InfoSphere MDM implementation must not modify any of the WSDL or XSD files provided with the product, except for the <ServiceName>_extension.xsd file.
Tip: If your solution requires new Web Service operations are needed, create a new WSDL file.