Creating a .bindings file for UNIX

To properly configure the IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management Collaboration Server - Collaborative Edition GDS WebSphere® MQ settings, you need to create a .bindings file.

About this task

The following steps create a .bindings file on the UNIX operating system.


  1. Set up the WebSphere Message Queue class path.
    The WebSphere Message Queue default installation directory is at /opt/mqm in UNIX that should be set as MQ_INSTALL_DIR. You need to update the system class path variable (CLASSPATH) with the following JAR files:
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/providerutil.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/ldap.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/jta.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/jndi.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/jms.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/connector.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/fscontext.jar
    • <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>/java/lib/
  2. Create /opt/mqm/JNDI-Directory directory on the WebSphere MQ server.
    Note: If this directory exists, delete any earlier versions of the .bindings files in it.
  3. Go to the <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>\Java\bin directory and add the following changes to the JMSAdmin.config file.
    Ensure that the values for the following parameters are:
    • INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
    • PROVIDER_URL=/opt/mqm/JNDI-Directory
    Note: If these parameters are not present, include the parameters with mentioned values.
  4. Open a command line and change the directory to <MQ_INSTALL_DIR>\Java\bin. Issue the JMSAdmin.bat file. On successful initialization of this batch file, you see a InitCtx> prompt. You can now enter the MQSC commands.
    If an exception occurs, then check whether the class path system variable is properly set for the JAR files that are listed in step 1.
  5. Run the following commands in the sequence:
    InitCtx> def q(INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME)
    InitCtx> def q(OUTBOUND_QUEUE_NAME)
    InitCtx> def qcf(QUEUE_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME)transport(CLIENT)channel(
    InitCtx> end
    For example:
    InitCtx> def q(XML_IN)
    InitCtx> def q(XML_OUT)
    InitCtx> def qcf(ptpQcf) transport(CLIENT) channel( port(1414) qmgr(bcg.queue.manager)
    InitCtx> end
  6. Copy the generated .bindings file from the JNDI-Directory directory and paste the file to the required destination at InfoSphere Master Data Management Collaboration Server - Collaborative Edition under the $TOP/etc/default and $TOP/etc/appsvr_<SERVER_NAME> directories.