Product search

Using predefined search methods, the Product search business feature enables a user to search for one or more products by issuing a single search request using one or more primary search criteria and zero or more secondary search criteria.

The following are the available primary search criteria:
  • Product name
  • Alternate identifier
  • Administrative system key
  • Spec value attribute
The following are the available secondary search criteria:
  • Product relationship type
  • Product type
  • Product short description
  • Status type
  • Product structure type
  • Category hierarchy type
  • Category hierarchy name
  • Category hierarchy ID
  • Category hierarchy start date
  • Category hierarchy end date
  • Category name
  • Category code
  • Category ID
  • Category start date
  • Category end date
  • Include sub categories indicator

Th eProduct search feature supports wildcard and look-alike searches for hard search criteria and a variety of operators for soft critiera associated with SpecValueSearchBObj. Request parameters include optional inquiry levels. When you search by product relationship type, you can provide an optional filter value to refine the search results, and you can search for products based on structure type, within category hierarchies as well as across category hierarchies

The Product search feature also supports searches for localized content, and it also supports the pagination feature.