Party roles

A given party can play different types of roles in different contexts. Supported roles include roles on contracts, roles in claims, and macro roles.

Party roles serve as the mechanism that relates parties to other structures, thereby providing a complete view of the party.

The Party module provides services to capture and manage one or more macro roles that a party plays in the system. The Party module also provides services that manage party roles in party grouping and party relationships. The common business services module provides services for capturing and managing entity roles within a hierarchy.

As a part of playing the macro role, some of the existing party data can be associated with a macro role to create a view for the given party in a role. For example, a party may have the role of "prospect", and an e-mail address is collected with this role, thus linking the party macro role with this contact method.

In general, InfoSphere® MDM enables you to manage the following roles:
  • Contract party roles
  • Claim party roles
  • Party entity roles
  • Party macro roles

Contract party roles and claim party roles provide services to capture and manage the various roles that a party plays in the system with regard to contracts and claims. That is, these roles only exist within the context of the contracts or claims that they are associated with.

Party entity roles are similar to contract and claim roles, in that these roles only exist within the context of the entities that they are associated with. In this case, however, the entities are party-centric party relationships, party groups, and party hierarchies.

Party macro roles, in contrast, provide the context in which to view the associations. That is, in a given party role, a given set of associations are valid.