Define terms

You define terms for the entire enterprise to ensure clarity and compatibility among departments, projects, or products. Follow guidelines to help ensure that you create clear and meaningful terms.

Here are some tips about creating terms:

If departments, projects, or product lines have different meanings for the same term, review all definitions together and have subject matter experts arrive at a common definition. If a common definition is not possible, create several terms from the single term and identify the context for the term in the term name.

Terms can have the same name only if they are in different categories. In this scenario, the category that contains the term gives you added information about the term.

For example, the term Address might mean "Shipping Address" to Distribution, "Bill To Address" to Accounting, and "Contact Address" to Sales. You might define these in either of the following ways:

Also, when developing term names, be familiar with how users will find and display terms with the business glossary tools. For example, terms such as "Billing Account Number" and "Account Number" will both be displayed high up in the search results for the string "Account Number." Knowledge of how users will access the terms will help you determine when you should add qualifying words to term names and when you might want to include more than one explanation in term descriptions.