
Labels are simple, short descriptors for assets that have something in common that is meaningful to your enterprise. Labels can be used in search and filtering.

You can apply a label to any type of asset in the metadata repository. You can think of labels as keywords or tags that you apply to assets. You might want to label assets of a variety of types with the same label. Or, you might apply multiple labels to a single asset.

For example, if broad geographic region is of concern to your enterprise, you might have defined the labels Asia, America, and Europe. All assets related to Asia can be labeled with the "Asia" label. All assets related to Europe can be labeled with the "Europe" label, and so on. In each case, the assets can be of a multiple types. For example, the label "Asia" might be applied to terms, categories, BI reports, jobs, and databases.

If you apply multiple labels to an asset, business glossary users can use any of the labels to help find the asset by narrowing search results or filtering a list.

Business Glossary Administrators define labels from within IBM® InfoSphere® Business Glossary. Once a label is defined for the business glossary, any InfoSphere Business Glossary user who can author or edit terms can assign the label to metadata repository assets. In addition, Business Glossary Asset Assigners can assign labels from within other tools in the IBM InfoSphere Information Server suite that support the Business Glossary Asset Assigner role.

Even though a label has been defined for the business glossary, it is optional to apply it to any given asset.

Labels cannot be applied to external assets.