Synonym relationships after import

Synonym relationships are reconciled in a specific way, depending upon what is in the imported file and what already exists in the business glossary.

Synonym relationships are created only after conflicts between the existing and the imported categories and terms are resolved by the merge method that you selected. The rules for creating synonym relationships are the same for all of the merge methods.

In the following table, each letter represents a term. Terms that are synonyms to each other are in parentheses.
Table 1. Merge results of synonyms
Synonyms in file to be imported Existing synonyms Synonyms after import
(A B) C A B C (A B) C
no terms with synonyms (A B) C (A B) C
(A B) (A B C) (A B C)
(A B) C D (A B C) (D E) (A B C) (D E)
(A B) (B C) D (A B C) D
(B C) D E (A B) (C D) (A B C D) E
A (B C) E (A B) (C D) (E F) (A B C D) (E F)
(A B C D) (A B) (C D) (A B C D)