Validation messages

When you have validation enabled, you can receive messages that validate a filter or function expression. You can receive either warnings or errors based on the information that you have specified in your mapping specification.

Message types

Warnings are hints or information to get a mapping specification and a job to be as complete as possible. A warning does not block the user from generating a job.
Errors block the user from generating a job. Errors only occur in very few situations.

Messages and user responses

Table 1. The messages you might receive when validation is enabled.
Message Response
A function with a constant input is missing for this mapping. A constant value mapping must have a function with a constant input. Add a constant value. If the constant value is annotated, it is passed through.
A source column is missing for this mapping. A mapping either has to have a source column or a function with a constant input. For this mapping you either need to add a source column, or add a function to this mapping.
A target column is missing. Every mapping needs to have a target defined. For this mapping you either need to specify a target column or a target term.
A function is missing. A business rule or more than one source columns are specified for this mapping. You must add a function that defines the transformation from the potentially different sources into one target.
A join is missing. The table mapping has more than one source table but no join condition is defined between those tables. Define a join condition between the source tables.
The join is incomplete. Correct the join condition to continue.
A switch is undefined. A copy operation is used as a default.
A switch is incomplete. Complete the switch definition.
A filter expression is incorrect. Check the filter expression for details.
One or more case statements are missing in the switch expression. A certain number of case statements is required on your target table. The defined switch does not define enough cases. Define additional cases.
A condition for a case is undefined. A case of a switch requires a condition. Open the switch properties to define a condition for the case.
A target table for a case is not defined. Define the target table.
A switch field is not defined. Define the field.
A lookup name is missing. You must define a name for each lookup definition. Select the lookup definition and set a lookup name.
The lookup join is missing. You must define a join condition for each lookup definition. Select the lookup definition and add a join condition.
The join for the lookup definition is incomplete. Select the lookup definition and complete the join condition.
The lookup table is not defined because the lookup definition is incomplete. Complete the lookup definition so that the lookup table can be defined.
The lookup definition is not complete because a source table is not defined. A source table must be defined. Define a source table to complete the lookup definition.
The function that you entered is either syntactically or semantically incorrect. Consult the function properties section for further details, and correct the function.
A target table does not exist. At least one target table is required to generate a job. Define a target table and continue to generate a job.
A source table does not exist. At least one source table is required to generate a job. Define a source table and continue to generate a job..
Switch field switch_field no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old switch field switch_field with a switch field that exists in the repository.
The parent table of switch field switch_field no longer exists in the repository. Replace the parent table of switch field switch_field with a table that exists in the repository.
The primary key join table join_pk_table no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old primary key table join_pk_table with a primary key table that exists in the repository.
The foreign key join table join_fk_table no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old foreign key table join_fk_table with a foreign key table that exists in the repository.
The foreign key join table key column join_fk_table_key_column no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old foreign key column join_fk_table_key_column with a foreign key column that exists in the repository.
The primary key join table key column join_pk_table_key_column no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old primary key column join_pk_table_key_column with a primary key column that exists in the repository.
Source table source_table no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old source table source_table with a source table that exists in the repository.
Target table target_table no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old target table target_table with a target table that exists in the repository.
Target column target_column of table table_name no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old target column target_column of table table_name with a target column that exists in the repository.
Source column source_column of table table_name no longer exists in the repository. Replace the old source column source_column of table table_name with a source column that exists in the repository.
A duplicate target column target_column is found. A target column can only be used once in a mapping specification. Remove redundant occurrences of the target column.
A duplicate virtual target column target_column is found. A target column can only be used once in a mapping specification. Change the column name to a name that is unique within the mapping specification.