Information icon IBM InfoSphere Foundation Tools, IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.5
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Switching between different versions of clients

You can install different versions of DataStage clients on a single Windows computer and switch between them by using the Multi-client Manager.

The Multi-client Manager is installed on the Version 8.5 client tier.
Note: The Multi-client Manager is not supported on DataStage releases earlier than 7.0. For DataStage releases earlier than 7.0, install each client version on a separate computer.
About this task

When your organization is using different versions of DataStage, it is useful to have different client versions on your Windows computer. You can then switch between the clients according to which DataStage server you want to connect to. For example, if you are evaluating IBM® InfoSphere™ DataStage®, Version 8.5 on one of your installations, while still running WebSphere DataStage, Version 7.5.3 on another installation, you can have the clients for both releases on a client tier computer, and switch between the clients as necessary.

You can install multiple DataStage clients by running the client installer (versions earlier than WebSphere DataStage 8.0), or running the suite installer and selecting only the client tier (Version 8.0.1 and later).

You must install the Version 8.5 client after you install any earlier client versions, so that the Version 8.5 Multi-Client Manager is the latest version installed.

  1. Start the Multi-client Manager by double-clicking the desktop shortcut.
  2. In the Current installation field, check whether the currently selected version is the version that you want.
    • If the correct version is selected, you need take no further action.
    • If the correct version is not selected, select the correct client in the Known installations list and click Select.
  3. Click Close to close the Multi-client Manager.

PDFThis topic is also in the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Migrating to IBM Information Server Version 8.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-09-30