Parameter set window - Values page

Use this page to optionally specify sets of values to be used for the parameters in this parameter set when a job using it is designed or run.

The window contains the following fields:
Value File Name
Enter the name of the value file in the Value File name field. The name must start with an alphabetic character and be comprised of alphanumeric and underscore characters. The maximum number of characters allowed for the name depends on the length of the installation directory plus the length of the project name. The longer the installation directory path and project name, the shorter your Value File name can be. If you receive an error that your Value File name is too long, shorten the value to the allowable length that is reported in the error message.
These fields are the parameters you specified on the Parameters page. For each file you specify, enter a value for each of the parameters. You will be offered the default values you specified on the Parameters page and can accept these if you want.