Row Merger Stages

The Row Merger stage reads data one row at a time from an input link. It merges all the columns into a single string of a specified format. It then writes the string on a given column of the output link. The stage can have a single input link and a single output link.

In normal operation of the Row Merger stage, each input row with multiple columns results in an output row of a single column. The stage also offers concatenation facilities, however. These facilities allow you to concatenate the result of each input row into a single string which is output when the stage detects an end-of-data (EOD) or end-of-transmission (EOT) signal (that signifies no more input rows are expected).

Note: The Row Merger stage is similar to the server Sequential File stage. The difference is that, while the Sequential File stage writes to a file, the Row Merger stage outputs to a link.