Shutting down services (Linux, UNIX)

Follow this procedure to shut down the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server services and application server services in a Linux® or UNIX installation. Shut down services before you back up or restore your system, or do other maintenance tasks.

Before you begin

If your metadata repository tier is set up in a clustered configuration, make sure that the databases are shut down last, if you shut them down at all.
Note: To perform a cold backup, you must shut down the databases.

About this task

The paths shown in this task assume that the application server and InfoSphere Information Server are installed in the default locations. Your paths and profile names are different if you installed these products in different locations.


  1. Stop the following services: Metadata Server services, ASB Agent, and DSRPC Server.
    1. Log in to each computer that hosts an engine tier.
      Use the following credentials:
      • If you have configured the InfoSphere Information Server agents for non-root administration, and the services were started and are currently running under this non-root user, use the credentials for the administrator user that you previously configured.
      • If you have not configured the agents in this manner, log in as root.
    2. Run the following command to source the dsenv file:
      . /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/dsenv
    3. Make sure that the /.dshome file contains the current engine location.
      UNIX systems support multiple instances of InfoSphere DataStage®.
    4. Run the following commands to stop the InfoSphere DataStage services. The bin/uv -admin -stop command stops the instance of InfoSphere DataStage that is in the /.dshome file.
      cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine
      ./bin/uv -admin -stop
    5. Run the following commands to stop the agents:
      cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin
      ./ stop
    6. Run the top command to verify that the processes have stopped.
  2. Stop the AppWatcher process.
    For more information, see Starting and stopping the AppWatcher process
    Note: This process is optional and should only be running if it has been configured and started.
  3. Stop the application server.
  4. Stop all shared open source services:
    • Linux:
    • AIX