Fetch size values

Tuning the Fetch size property value can improve the performance when reading records from the data source.

The connector provides the value of the Fetch size property to the driver. This value is a hint to the driver how many records to retrieve from the data source in a single round trip to the data source. The connector always requests one record from the driver at a time, and the driver might use the prefetching option to be able to provide some of the records to the connector locally.

The default value for the Fetch size property is 0. The default value results in optimal performance in many cases. You can also set the Fetch size property to a specific value and check the results to see whether they are better than the results with the default fetch size.

Changing the value of the Fetch size property can improve performance when the stage reads many records such as hundreds of thousands of records or more. Run the job with the fetch size values of 20, 200, 2000 and 20000 and observe the performance trends to determine the optimal value. If none of the fetch size values improve the performance, use the default value.