Teradata connector

Use the Teradata connector in parallel and server jobs to read, write, or look up data in Teradata databases.

The connector provides several capabilities that are unavailable in other Teradata stage types:

  • Parallel immediate reads, writes, and lookups
  • Parallel MultiLoad capability
  • MultiLoad delete tasks
  • Cursor lookups
  • Restart capability for bulk loads
  • Reject links for immediate lookups and writes
  • Reject links for bulk loads
  • Reject links for missing UPDATE and DELETE rows
  • BLOB and CLOB data types
  • Error message and row count feedback for immediate lookups and writes

If you need to invoke the external bulk utilities or read a data file that is in binary FastLoad format, use the Teradata Load stage or the Teradata MultiLoad stage. Also use the Teradata MultiLoad stage if you have custom scripts that use advanced scripting features.