Snowflake connector

Use the Snowflake Connector to connect to the Snowflake data warehouse and perform data access operations such as Read / Write, Bulk Load and Metadata import functionality.

Use the Snowflake connector to perform the following operations:
  • Read data from or write data to tables in the Snowflake data warehouse.
  • Bulk load data to a table in the Snowflake data warehouse.
  • Insert or Bulk load into multiple tables at a time using the Multiple input links functionality.
  • To lookup records from a table in the Snowflake data warehouse.
  • Import metadata from Snowflake data warehouse through InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager (IMAM).
Note: Access to Snowflake database is provided through the Snowflake JDBC Driver. Before using the Snowflake Connector, ensure that the JDBC driver for Snowflake is installed and configured.