Conversion table irregularities

The EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion tables previously shown are standard conversion tables. However, owing to the nature of EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversions, certain irregularities exist in the conversion tables.

The EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion tables previously shown are standard conversion tables. However, owing to the nature of EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversions, certain irregularities exist in the conversion tables. For example, an exclamation point is defined in EBCDIC as 0x5A. In ASCII 7-bit and 8-bit codes, an exclamation point is defined as 0x21.

The table shows the conversion irregularities.

EBCDIC Code 8-Bit ASCII Code 7-Bit ASCII Code
Graphic Hex Graphic Hex Graphic Hex
¢ 4A [ 5B [ 5B
! 5A ] 5D ] 5D
[ AD (n/a) D5 SUB 1A
] BD (n/a) E5 SUB 1A
| 4F ! 21 ! 21
_ 6A _ 7C _ 7C