Rejecting records that contain errors

When the Oracle connector includes a reject link, records that meet specified criteria are automatically routed to the target stage on the reject link. Processing continues for the remaining records.

About this task

When you configure a reject link, you select one or more conditions that control when to reject a record and send it to the target stage that receives the rejected records. You can also choose to include the Oracle error code and error message that is generated when a record fails. If you do not define a reject link or if you define a reject link but a failed record does not match any of the specified reject conditions, the connector reports an error and stops the job.

After you run the job, you can evaluate the rejected records and adjust the job and the data accordingly.


  1. On the job design canvas, add and configure a target stage to receive the rejected records.
  2. Right-click the Oracle connector and drag to create a link from the Oracle connector to the target stage.
  3. If the link is the first link for the Oracle connector, right-click the link and choose Convert to reject. If the Oracle connector already has an input link, the new link automatically displays as a reject link.
  4. Double-click the connector to open the stage editor.
  5. On the Output page, select the link to the target stage for rejected records from the Output name list.
  6. Click the Reject tab.
  7. From the Reject rows based on selected conditions list, select one or more conditions to use to reject records.
  8. Use one of the methods in the following table to specify when to stop a job because of too many rejected rows.
    Method Procedure
    Stop a job based on the percentage of rows that fail.
    1. From the Abort when list, select Percent.
    2. In the Abort after (%) field, enter the percentage of rejected rows that will cause the job to stop.
    3. In the Start count after (rows) field, specify the number of input rows to process before calculating the percentage of rejected rows.
    Stop a job based on the number of rows that fail.
    1. From the Abort when list, select Rows.
    2. In the Abort after (rows) field, specify the maximum number of rejected rows to allow before the job stops.
  9. Optional: From the Add to reject row list, select ERRORCODE, ERRORMESSAGE, or both.
    When a record fails, the rejected record includes the Oracle error code and the corresponding message that describes the failure. For a complete list of the Oracle error codes and messages, see the Oracle documentation.
  10. Click OK, and then save the job.