
Use this system parameter to specify how timestamp values should be formatted in Kafka messages.

To enable this parameter, you must set the mirror_write_format parameter to DYNAMIC.

Important: Both this parameter and the parameters timestamp_format and timestamp_tz_format can be set per datastore or per subscription. See dmset - Set a CDC Replication system parameter for details.
Applies to
Target datastores
Set this parameter to one of the following values:
AVRO (default)
Formats TIMESTAMP column values as the number of microseconds from the UNIX epoch, 1 January 1970 (ISO calendar). For the purpose of this calculation, the timestamps are assumed to be UTC.

For TIMESTAMP columns with precision greater than microseconds, the values are formatted as strings. You can specify the string format by using the timestamp_format datastore parameter. The default value of timestamp_format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSNNNnnnppp.

TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE column values are formatted as strings. You can specify the string format by using the timestamp_tz_format datastore parameter. The default value of timestamp_tz_format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSNNNnnnppp T.

Formats TIMESTAMP column values as strings. You can specify the string format using the timestamp_format datastore parameter.

Formats TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE column values as strings. You can specify the string format by using the timestamp_tz_format datastore parameter.

Formats TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE column values as strings by using a hard-coded format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSNNNnnnppp. Use this setting if you do not need custom formatting; it provides better performance than STRING.