
This parameter determines the maximum size of the load for each table in the subscription. In general, the more columns that a table has, the bigger the load file will be. Increasing the parameter value ensures that the CDC Replication Engine for BigQuery loads the tables in a subscription less frequently and with larger units of work, which is optimal for BigQuery technology.

Versions supportedCDC Replication Engine for BigQuery version 11.3.3 and later

Draft comment: arun.c.r@ibm.com
@Omkar, @Sarah Please confirm the version here.

This buffering can increase latency. If the latency reaches the point that is indicated by this system parameter, CDC Replication stops buffering the data. The additional workload that occurs when CDC Replication stops buffering the data is primarily a factor of the number of tables that are being replicated. Increasing the value of this parameter might significantly reduce the workload from CDC Replication when you are replicating a large number of tables.

Applies to
Target datastores
Minimum Setting
1 MB
Maximum Setting
2147483647 MB
Default Setting
50 MB