Configuring the CDC Replication Engine for Db2 Warehouse
The procedure for configuring the CDC Replication instance for Db2 Warehouse is the same as that for configuring a CDC Replication instance for Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. This topic covers connecting to the Db2 Warehouse database to begin the configuration process.
About this task
If you are using Db2 Warehouse, you have a choice of two deployment models:
- Local deployment
- The CDC Replication Engine and Db2 Warehouse run inside the same Docker container.
- Remote deployment
- The CDC Replication Engine runs outside the Db2 Warehouse Docker container.
This procedure applies only to the remote deployment model of Db2 Warehouse, Db2 Warehouse on Cloud, and Db2 on Cloud.
Ideally, when you connect the CDC Replication Engine to Db2 Warehouse on Cloud, the CDC Replication Engine is in the same IBM Cloud Data Center as Db2 Warehouse or is colocated with Db2 Warehouse. The CDC Replication Engine connects from a local server to the remote Db2 Warehouse instance.
When you use Db2 Warehouse as a target, the performance of CDC Replication Engine partly depends on the bandwidth of the network that separates its target engine from the Db2 Warehouse instance. Physical distance also affects performance: Ideally, the CDC Replication Engine is as close as possible to the Db2 Warehouse instance. Network topology also affects performance. For example, ideally, the target CDC Replication Engine runs on a VM in the same VPN (security domain) as the target Db2 Warehouse instance. The fewer the network nodes (for example, firewalls or routers) to traverse, the better.
Mirror bulk apply
Mirror bulk apply, one of the Fast Apply modes, is preferred over other apply modes for IIAS. It provides significantly higher throughput over Fast Apply and standard JDBC apply. See External table mirror bulk apply for details on configuring this apply mode.
Connection method | Steps |
Non-SSL |