Dimension tables and entities

A dimension table or dimension entity is a table or entity in a star, snowflake, or starflake schema that stores details about the facts. For example, a Time dimension table stores the various aspects of time such as year, quarter, month, and day.

Dimension table store descriptive information about the numerical values in a fact table. For example, dimension tables for a marketing analysis application might include Time Period, Marketing Region, and Product Type.

Dimension tables describe the different aspects of a business process. For example, if you are looking to determine the sales targets, you can store the attributes of the sales targets in a dimension table. Dimension tables group the data in the database when the business creates reports. For example, you can group sales targets by country, product, or retailer, and those groupings are stored in dimension tables.

Each dimension table contains a number of columns and attributes that are used to describe business processes.

Since the data in a dimension table is often denormalized, dimension tables have a large number of columns. The dimension tables contain fewer rows of data than the fact table. The columns of a dimensional table are used to create reports or display query results. For example, the textual descriptions of a report are created from the column labels of a dimension table.

Consider the following points when you create your dimension tables:
Each dimension table has only one element at the lowest level of detail, and this element is known as the grain of the dimension.
Non-key elements
Each non-key element should appear in only one dimension table.
Time and date dimensions
You will typically have multiple time and date dimensions in your dimensional model.
Number of dimensions
Dimensional models typically contain only 10 to 15 dimension tables. If you need more dimensions, merge those dimension tables into a single table.
Creating one-to-many relationships
The rows in a dimension table establish a one-to-many relationship with the fact table or outriggers.
Shared dimensions
Typically, dimension tables that are shared by multiple fact tables (or multiple dimensional models) are called shared dimensions. If shared dimensions already exist for any of the dimensions in the data warehouse or dimensional model, you should use the shared dimensions. If you are developing new dimensions that may be used across the entire enterprise warehouse, you should develop a design that anticipates the needs of the enterprise warehouse.
