numerical precision emphasis

Emphasizes precision in numerically unstable or difficult problems.


Numerical precision emphasis

API Parameter Name Name prior to V12.6.0
C++ IloCplex::Param::Emphasis::Numerical NumericalEmphasis (bool)
Java IloCplex.Param.Emphasis.Numerical NumericalEmphasis (bool)
.NET Cplex.Param.Emphasis.Numerical NumericalEmphasis (bool)
OPL numericalemphasis numericalemphasis
Python parameters.emphasis.numerical emphasis.numerical
Interactive emphasis numerical emphasis numerical
Identifier 1083 1083


Emphasizes precision in numerically unstable or difficult problems. This parameter lets you specify to CPLEX that it should emphasize precision in numerically difficult or unstable problems, with consequent performance trade-offs in time and memory.

Table 1. Values
Value bool Symbol Interactive Meaning
0 false CPX_OFF no Do not emphasize numerical precision; default
1 true CPX_ON yes Exercise extreme caution in computation