Differences between user cuts and lazy constraints

Distinguishes user cuts from lazy constraints.

Cuts may resemble ordinary constraints, but are conventionally defined to mean those which can change the feasible space of the continuous relaxation but do not rule out any feasible integer solution that the rest of the model permits. A collection of cuts, therefore, involves an element of freedom: whether or not to apply them, individually or collectively, during the optimization of a MIP model; the formulation of the model remains correct whether or not the cuts are included. This degree of freedom means that if valid and necessary constraints are mis-identified by the user and passed to CPLEX as user cuts, unpredictable and possibly incorrect results could occur.

By contrast, lazy constraints represent simply one portion of the constraint set, and the model would be incomplete (and possibly would deliver incorrect answers) in their absence. CPLEX always makes sure that lazy constraints are satisfied before producing any solution to a MIP model. Needed lazy constraints are also kept in effect after the MIP optimization terminates, for example, when you change the problem type to fixed-integer and re-optimize with a continuous optimizer.

Another important difference between pools of user cuts and pools of lazy constraints lies in the timing by which these pools are applied. CPLEX may check user cuts for violation and apply them at any stage of the optimization. Conversely, it does not guarantee to check them at the time an integer-feasible solution candidate has been identified. Lazy constraints are only (and always) checked when an integer-feasible solution candidate has been identified, and of course, any of these constraints that turn out to be violated will then be applied to the full model.

Cuts that are based on optimality and that remove integer feasible solutions without removing all optimal solutions are known as optimality-based cuts. Optimality-based cuts do not fit the definition of either a user cut nor a lazy constraint. For example, symmetry-breaking constraints are sometimes known as optimality-based cuts because symmetry-breaking constraints can remove integer feasible solutions without removing all optimal solutions. Symmetry-breaking constraints are not user cuts in the sense addressed here. Symmetry-breaking constraints are not necessarily lazy constraints either. However, CPLEX can support optimality-based cuts as lazy constraints. If you add an optimality-based cut as a lazy constraint in your model, you can also add it to the user cut pool. This practice of adding an optimality-based cut as a lazy constraint and simultaneously adding it to the user cut pool makes sure that CPLEX checks the optimality-based cut at each node relaxation as well as when CPLEX finds an integer feasible solution.

Another way of comparing these two types of pools is to note that the user designates constraints as lazy in the strong hope and expectation that they will not need to be applied, thus saving computation time by their absence from the working problem. In practice, it is relatively costly (for a variety of reasons) to apply a lazy constraint after a violation is identified, and so the user should err on the side of caution when deciding whether a constraint should be marked as lazy. In contrast, user cuts may be more liberally added to a model because CPLEX is not obligated to use any of them and can apply its own rules to govern their efficient use.

CPLEX offers an example that highlights the difference between pools of user cuts and lazy constraints. The example demonstrates lazy constraint callbacks to separate integer feasible LP solutions and user cut callbacks to separate fractional infeasible LP solutions in a Benders decomposition of an asymmetric travelling salesperson problem.

  • In the Callable Library, see xbendersatsp.c (64-bit) and bendersatsp.c (32-bit).
  • In the C++ API, see ilobendersatsp.cpp.
  • In the Java API, see BendersATSP.java.
  • In the C#.NET API, see BendersATSP.cs.
  • In the VB.NET API, see BendersATSP.vb.
  • In the Python API, see bendersatsp.py.