
Presents OPL and IBM ILOG Script operators and their order of precedence.

Traditional relational operators ==, !=, >=, >, <, and <= are used with:

Relations can be combined by using the traditional logical operators:

OPL operators

The OPL operators are listed here in a decreasing order of precedence.

Class Operator
Aggregate all
Binary1 ^
Aggregate prod inter
Binary * / div % mod inter
Aggregate sum max min union
Unary + - !
Binary + - union diff symdiff
Range ..


not in

Relational == <= >= < > != (<=.<=) (>=.>=)
Logical && and
Logical || or
Logical =>
Ternary ?:
1 ^ means power in OPL and bitwise xor in Script


range r=1..2;

int x[r]=[2,3];

// The priority of sum is greater than the priority of +
int s=sum(i in r) x[i] + 1;

 writeln("s = ",s);  


s = 6

Script operators

The IBM ILOG Script operators are listed here in a decreasing order of precedence.

Precedence Operators Operation performed
1 [] . new  
2 () [] . function call
3 ++ -- postfix increment, postfix decrement
4 delete void typeof

delete, undefined return, return type

++ -- + - prefix increment, prefix decrement, unary plus, unary minus
~ ! bitwise not, logical not
5 * / % multiplication, division, remainder
6 + - addition, subtraction
7 << >> >>> bitwise left shift, signed right shift, unsigned right shift
8 < <= > >= less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to
instanceof call HasInstance method
in call HasProperty method
9 == != === !== is equal, is not equal, is strictly equal, is strictly not equal
10 & bitwise and
111 ^ bitwise xor
12 | bitwise or
13 && logical and
14 || logical or
15 ?: conditional expression
16 = Assignment
*= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |= Assignment with ...
17 , Sequential evaluation
1 ^ means power in OPL and bitwise xor in Script