Progress reports: interpreting the node log

Describes the progress reports issued in the node log during MIP optimization.

As explained in other topics, when CPLEX optimizes mixed integer programs, it builds a tree with the linear relaxation of the original MIP at the root and subproblems to optimize at the nodes of the tree. CPLEX reports its progress in optimizing the original problem in a node log file as it traverses this tree.

You control how information in the log file is recorded and displayed, through two CPLEX parameters. The MIPDisplay parameter controls the general nature of the output that goes to the node log. The table Table 1 summarizes its possible values and their effects.

Table 1. Values of the MIP display parameter
Value Effect
0 No display until optimal solution has been found
1 Display integer feasible solutions
2 Display integer feasible solutions plus an entry for every n-th node; default
3 Display integer feasible solutions, every n-th node entry, number of cuts added, and information about the processing of each successful MIP start
4 Display integer feasible solutions, every n-th node entry, number of cuts added, information about the processing of each successful MIP start, and information about the LP subproblem at root
5 Display integer feasible solutions, every n-th node entry, number of cuts added, information about the processing of each successful MIP start, and information about the LP subproblem at root and at nodes

The MIP node log interval parameter (MIPInterval, CPX_PARAM_MIPINTERVAL) controls how frequently node log lines are printed. Its default is 100; it can be set to any positive integer value, as documented in the CPLEX Parameters Reference Manual. CPLEX records a line in the node log for every node with an integer solution if the parameter controlling MIP node log display information (MIPDisplay, CPX_PARAM_MIPDISPLAY) is set to 1 (one) or higher. Likewise, if the MIPDisplay is set to 2 or higher, then for any node whose number is a multiple of the MIPInterval value, a line is recorded in the node log for every node with an integer solution.

Here is an example of a log file from the Interactive Optimizer, where the MIPInterval parameter has been set to 10:

Tried aggregator 2 times.
MIP Presolve added 27 rows and 0 columns.
Aggregator did 24 substitutions.
Reduced MIP has 482 rows, 818 columns, and 2097 nonzeros.
Reduced MIP has 397 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Presolve time = 0.01 sec. (1.70 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (1.41 ticks)
Cover probing fixed 0 vars, tightened 5 bounds.
Tried aggregator 1 time.
MIP Presolve modified 5 coefficients.
Reduced MIP has 482 rows, 818 columns, and 2097 nonzeros.
Reduced MIP has 397 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Presolve time = 0.00 sec. (1.29 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (1.39 ticks)
Clique table members: 53.
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: deterministic, using up to 2 threads.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.00 sec. (1.65 ticks)

        Nodes                                         Cuts/
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound    ItCnt     Gap

      0     0      983.1674    24                    983.1674      108         
      0     0     1032.3085    30                    Cuts: 82      183         
      0     0     1061.4365    41                   Cuts: 107      270         
      0     0     1074.7841    50                    Cuts: 75      346         
*     0+    0                         1321.0000     1074.7841            18.64%
      0     0     1084.1042    55     1321.0000      Cuts: 76      455   17.93%
      0     0     1089.1343    52     1321.0000      Cuts: 58      532   17.55%
*     0+    0                         1239.0000     1089.1343            12.10%
      0     0     1090.6995    51     1239.0000      Cuts: 23      569   11.97%
      0     0     1093.3703    53     1239.0000      Cuts: 35      637   11.75%
      0     0     1094.6468    50     1239.0000      Cuts: 34      664   11.65%
      0     0     1097.2024    53     1239.0000      Cuts: 39      718   11.44%
      0     0     1097.8618    53     1239.0000      Cuts: 19      745   11.39%
*     0+    0                         1238.0000     1097.8618            11.32%
      0     0     1098.3075    49     1238.0000      Cuts: 22      764   11.28%
      0     0     1098.3656    53     1238.0000      Cuts: 14      780   11.28%
      0     0     1098.3784    53     1238.0000       Cuts: 6      788   11.28%
*     0+    0                         1188.0000     1098.3784             7.54%
*     0+    0                         1187.0000     1098.3784             7.47%
*     0+    0                         1186.0000     1098.3784             7.39%
*     0+    0                         1184.0000     1098.3784             7.23%
*     0+    0                         1175.0000     1098.3784             6.52%
*     0+    0                         1168.0000     1098.3784             5.96%
      0     2     1098.3784    53     1168.0000     1098.3784      788    5.96%
Elapsed time = 1.10 sec. (774.96 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 9)
    275   196     1139.0374    29     1168.0000     1108.0676     8246    5.13%
*   403+  268                         1160.0000     1109.0629             4.39%
    609   358     1132.1591    31     1160.0000     1114.5957    16324    3.91%
    915   510     1157.3197    20     1160.0000     1120.9789    23862    3.36%
   1177   656     1138.3457    17     1160.0000     1125.3344    31906    2.99%
   1472   783     1152.7317    16     1160.0000     1129.5898    39883    2.62%
   1781   894     1142.3663    31     1160.0000     1132.1594    46810    2.40%
   2062  1009     1148.8845    15     1160.0000     1135.6469    54218    2.10%
*  2202  1056      integral     0     1158.0000     1136.1895    57689    1.88%
   2359   990        cutoff           1158.0000     1137.5694    62331    1.76%
   2709   984     1154.9875    24     1158.0000     1141.1918    70633    1.45%

Cover cuts applied:  19
Implied bound cuts applied:  61
Flow cuts applied:  83
Mixed integer rounding cuts applied:  44
Flow path cuts applied:  4
Zero-half cuts applied:  4
Multi commodity flow cuts applied:  7
Lift and project cuts applied:  2

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =    1.10 sec. (774.54 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 2 threads:
  Real time             =    3.08 sec. (2875.90 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    0.13 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =    4.18 sec. (3650.45 ticks)

Solution pool: 11 solutions saved.

MIP - Integer optimal solution:  Objective =  1.1580000000e+03
Solution time =    4.18 sec.  Iterations = 91263  Nodes = 4235
Deterministic time = 3650.45 ticks  (872.98 ticks/sec)

In that example, CPLEX found the optimal objective function value of 3.1860000000e+03 after exploring 44 nodes and performing 131 (dual simplex) iterations, and CPLEX found an integral LP solution, designated by the star (*) and the word integral at node 39. That log reports a heuristic solution, designated by a star (*) and a plus (+) after the node number, at the root and at node 20. The MIP interval parameter was set at 10, so every tenth node was logged, in addition to the node where an integer solution was found.

As you can see in that example, CPLEX logs an asterisk (* ) in the left-most column for any node where it finds an integer-feasible solution (that is, a new incumbent). In the next column, it logs the node number. It next logs the number of nodes left to explore.

In the next column, Objective, CPLEX either records the objective value at the node or a reason to fathom the node. (A node is fathomed if the solution of a subproblem at the node is infeasible; or if the value of the objective function at the node is worse than the cutoff value for branch & cut; or if the linear programming relaxation at the node supplies an integer solution.) This column is left blank for lines that report that CPLEX found a new incumbent by primal heuristics. A plus (+) after the node number distinguishes such lines.

In the column labeled IInf, CPLEX records the number of integer-infeasible variables and special ordered sets. If no solution has been found, the column titled Best Integer is blank; otherwise, it records the objective value of the best integer solution found so far.

The column labeled Cuts/Best Bound records the best objective function value achievable. If the word Cuts appears in this column, it means various cuts were generated; if a particular name of a cut appears, then only that kind of cut was generated.

The column labeled ItCnt records the cumulative iteration count of the algorithm solving the subproblems. Until a solution has been found, the column labeled Gap is blank. If a solution has been found, the relative gap value is printed: when it is less than 999.99 , the value is printed; otherwise, hyphens are printed. The gap is computed as:

(best integer - best node) * objsen / (abs (best integer) + 1e-10)

Consequently, the printed gap value may not always move smoothly. In particular, there may be sharp improvements whenever a new best integer solution is found. Moreover, if the populate procedure of the solution pool is invoked, the printed gap value may become negative after the optimal solution has been found and proven optimal.

CPLEX also logs its addition of cuts to a model. In the previous sample node log file, CPLEX reports that it added a variety of cuts (cover cuts, zero-half cuts, Gomory fractional cuts).

CPLEX also logs the number of clique inequalities in the clique table at the beginning of optimization. Cuts generated at intermediate nodes are not logged individually unless they happen to be generated at a node logged for other reasons. CPLEX logs the number of applied cuts of all classes at the end.

CPLEX also shows, in the node log file, each instance of a successful application of the node heuristic. The previous sample node log file shows that a heuristic found a solution at node 20. The + denotes an incumbent generated by the heuristic.

Periodically, if the MIP display parameter is 2 or greater, CPLEX records the cumulative time spent since the beginning of the current MIP optimization and the amount of memory used by branch & cut. (Periodically means that time and memory information appear either every 20 nodes or ten times the MIP interval parameter, whichever is greater.)

The Interactive Optimizer prints an additional summary line in the log if optimization stops before it is complete. This summary line shows the best MIP bound, that is, the best objective value among all the remaining node subproblems. The following example shows you lines from a node log file where an integer solution has not yet been found, and the best remaining objective value is 2973.9912281.

MIP-Node limit, no integer solution. 
Current MIP best bound =    2.9739912281e+03 (gap is infinite)
Solution time =    0.01 sec. (0.00 ticks) Iterations = 68  Nodes = 7 (7)

Stating a MIP problem presents a typical MIP problem. Here is the node log file for that problem with the default setting of the MIP display parameter and two threads:

Selected objective sense:  MINIMIZE
Selected objective  name:  obj
Selected RHS        name:  rhs
Selected bound      name:  bnd

Problem 'samples.mps' read.
Read time = 0.03 sec. (0.00 ticks)
Tried aggregator 2 times.
Aggregator did 1 substitutions.
Reduced MIP has 2 rows, 3 columns, and 6 nonzeros.
Reduced MIP has 0 binaries, 1 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Presolve time = 0.03 sec. (0.01 ticks)
Found incumbent of value -34.000000 after 0.05 sec. (0.02 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
Tried aggregator 1 time.
Presolve time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: deterministic, using up to 2 threads.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.03 sec. (0.00 ticks)

          Nodes                                       Cuts/
    Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound     ItCnt  Gap

*     0+    0                          -34.0000     -163.0000        3  379.41%
      0     0     -125.2083     1      -34.0000     -125.2083        3  268.26%
*     0+    0                         -122.5000     -125.2083        3    2.21%
      0     0        cutoff           -122.5000                      3    0.00%
Elapsed time = 0.11 sec. (0.04 ticks, tree = 0.00 MB, solutions = 2)

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =    0.06 sec. (0.02 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 2 threads:
  Real time             =    0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =    0.06 sec. (0.02 ticks)

Solution pool: 2 solutions saved.

MIP - Integer optimal solution:  Objective = -1.2250000000e+02
Solution time =    0.13 sec.  Iterations = 3  Nodes = 0
Deterministic time = 0.04 ticks  (0.35 ticks/sec)

These additional items appear only in the node log file (not on screen) in conventional branch & cut:

Those additional items are not applicable in dynamic search. Here is a sample session in the Interactive Optimizer showing the log file typical in dynamic search. In this log file, you see activity at the root node, a variety of cuts added to the model, and accumulation of solutions in the solution pool.

Selected objective sense:  MINIMIZE
Selected objective  name:  total_costs
Selected RHS        name:  rhs
Selected bound      name:  bnd

Problem 'anothersample.mps' read.
Read time = 0.01 sec. (0.23 ticks)
Tried aggregator 2 times.
Aggregator did 24 substitutions.
Reduced MIP has 455 rows, 818 columns, and 2043 nonzeros.
Reduced MIP has 397 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Presolve time = 0.02 sec. (1.54 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.56 ticks)
Cover probing fixed 0 vars, tightened 5 bounds.
Tried aggregator 1 time.
MIP Presolve modified 5 coefficients.
Reduced MIP has 455 rows, 818 columns, and 2043 nonzeros.
Reduced MIP has 397 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators.
Presolve time = 0.01 sec. (1.20 ticks)
Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.56 ticks)
Clique table members: 29.
MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility.
MIP search method: dynamic search.
Parallel mode: deterministic, using up to 2 threads.
Root relaxation solution time = 0.01 sec. (1.64 ticks)

        Nodes                                         Cuts/
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound    ItCnt     Gap

      0     0      983.1674    24                    983.1674      125
      0     0     1032.1317    35                    Cuts: 82      216
      0     0     1062.8654    43                   Cuts: 105      304
      0     0     1075.9744    52                    Cuts: 65      388
*     0+    0                         1264.0000     1075.9744      486   14.88%
      0     0     1081.5806    58     1264.0000      Cuts: 66      486   14.43%
      0     0     1086.2299    51     1264.0000      Cuts: 52      546   14.06%
      0     0     1088.8063    52     1264.0000      Cuts: 34      596   13.86%
*     0+    0                         1240.0000     1088.8063      637   12.19%
      0     0     1090.8727    53     1240.0000      Cuts: 40      637   12.03%
      0     0     1091.5433    53     1240.0000      Cuts: 35      667   11.97%
      0     0     1091.8490    56     1240.0000      Cuts: 17      694   11.95%
      0     0     1092.0247    52     1240.0000      Cuts: 13      707   11.93%
      0     0     1092.1376    55     1240.0000      Cuts: 13      719   11.92%
      0     0     1092.5211    58     1240.0000       Cuts: 9      741   11.89%
*     0+    0                         1197.0000     1092.5211      760    8.73%
      0     0     1092.6120    55     1197.0000      Cuts: 14      760    8.72%
*     0+    0                         1173.0000     1092.6120      760    6.85%
*     0+    0                         1172.0000     1092.6120      760    6.77%
*     0+    0                         1160.0000     1092.6120      760    5.81%
      0     2     1092.6120    55     1160.0000     1092.6120      760    5.81%
Elapsed time = 4.68 sec. (996.95 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 6)
    181    99     1123.4828    28     1160.0000     1107.0342     9274    4.57%
    376   221     1150.4582    33     1160.0000     1112.6850    17065    4.08%
    581   325     1133.1086    24     1160.0000     1120.3812    25477    3.42%
    822   465     1137.1711    39     1160.0000     1123.6613    33378    3.13%
   1006   561     1135.3554    32     1160.0000     1126.4741    41813    2.89%
   1288   690     1137.5743    36     1160.0000     1129.7101    48613    2.61%
   1545   768        cutoff           1160.0000     1131.9613    56928    2.42%
   1840   901     1156.9766    22     1160.0000     1134.5757    64644    2.19%
   2078   982     1153.6714    25     1160.0000     1136.2144    72322    2.05%
   3108  1102     1154.4286     1     1160.0000     1144.4474   105611    1.34%
Elapsed time = 11.03 sec. (4111.73 ticks, tree = 1.43 MB, solutions = 6)
*  3112  1101      integral     0     1158.0000     1144.4474   105704    1.17%
   3380   946     1109.1909    49     1158.0000     1146.4790   114211    0.99%
   4335   368        cutoff           1158.0000     1146.4790   147638    0.99%

GUB cover cuts applied:  3
Cover cuts applied:  12
Implied bound cuts applied:  32
Flow cuts applied:  67
Mixed integer rounding cuts applied:  54
Flow path cuts applied:  4
Zero-half cuts applied:  6
Multi commodity flow cuts applied:  8
Gomory fractional cuts applied:  5

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =    4.63 sec. (991.49 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 2 threads:
  Real time             =   16.83 sec. (5417.26 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    0.01 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =   21.46 sec. (6408.75 ticks)

Solution pool: 7 solutions saved.

MIP - Integer optimal solution:  Objective =  1.1580000000e+03
Solution time =   21.51 sec.  Iterations = 164313  Nodes = 5078
Deterministic time = 6413.71 ticks  (298.22 ticks/sec)