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Global functions

Global Function Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
IloOplCallJava(objectRefOrClassname, methodName, methodSignature, paramN)
This function calls a Java method from a scripting block.
Exec command
This function gives access to system environment variables.
This function makes some Java classes available in scripting blocks.
This function loads the script file passed as parameter.
Global Function Detail
{undefined} IloOplCallJava(objectRefOrClassname, methodName, methodSignature, paramN)
This function calls a Java method from a scripting block.

This method allows you to call Java objects and class methods from script statements and to translate their parameters and return types back and forth between Java and ILOG Script.

Translation of Input Parameters:

Translation of Output Results:

ILOG Script Java Wrapper Object:

Java objects returned from Java calls are wrapped in a special script object that allows you to 'transport' them to further Java classes (see above). As a convenience, they also support calls to their Java methods as if they were ILOG Script methods.

For example, if you obtain an object using:

   var myObject=IloOplCallJava(...);

you can call its methods using either:

   var result=IloOplCallJava(myObject,"myMethod","",...);

or with the shorter and more natural:

   var result=myObject.myMethod(...);

Note that the former notation does not allow you to specify a signature, so it applies only to non-overloaded methods (i.e. it does not work when the object has several methods with the same names but different signatures).

objectRefOrClassname - a reference to the object on which we want to call an object method, or the name of a class on which we want to call a static method.
methodName - name of the method to call. Use "<init>" for a constructor.
methodSignature - JNI signature of the method to call (see, or "" to call the first method that has the right name.
param1..N - parameter(s) of the method (optional). They will be translated to the corresponding Java type on call (see above).
Given a class such as:
 package mypackage;
 import ilog.opl.*;
 public class MyClass {
   static public myStaticMethod(IloOplModel model,String param1) { ... }
    static public MyClass createInstance() { ... }
   public MyClass() { ... }
   public int performStuff(int param) { ... }
You can call it from a script statement by using:
execute {

 // a simple call to a static method, giving parameters of different types:
 IloOplCallJava("mypackage.MyClass", // class name
                "myStaticMethod", // method name
                "", // signature omitted, no ambiguity
                thisOplModel,"p2"); // parameters
 // same call with full signature:
 IloOplCallJava("mypackage.MyClass", // class name
                "myStaticMethod", // method name
                "(Lilog/opl/IloOplModel;Ljava/lang/String;)V", // signature
                thisOplModel,"p2"); // parameters
 // a call to a static method returning a Java object instance:
 var myObject=IloOplCallJava("mypackage.MyClass",
 // calling directly the constructor:
 var myObject=IloOplCallJava("mypackage.MyClass",
 // use the returned instance to call an instance method, giving some parameters, 
 // and that returns a simple int:
 var result=IloOplCallJava(myObject, // object
                         "performStuff", // method
                         "", // signature omitted
                         13); // parameter
 // the exact same call using direct script call shortcut:
 var result=myObject.performStuff(13);                          
The return value of the Java, eventually converted to a script type (see above).

{string} IloOplExec(command)
Exec command
command - The command to be executed.

{string} IloOplGetEnv(name)
This function gives access to system environment variables.

It calls the Standard C library function getenv() internally.

Do not confuse this function with the IBM ILOG Concert class IloEnv, which creates environment instances that manage memory and identifiers for modeling objects.
name - The name of the environment variable.
execute {
  writeln(" doesnotexist = ",IloOplGetEnv("doesnotexist"));
  writeln(" PATH = ",IloOplGetEnv("PATH"));
The value of the environment variable, or undefined.

{void} IloOplImportJava(path)
This function makes some Java classes available in scripting blocks.

It expands the search path for the next calls to IloOplCallJava.

This method uses the resolver path (see IloOplSettings) to resolve the given path. Relative paths or JAR file names are searched relative to the model file directory as well as in other directories of the search path.

It is not necessary that the added path exists and its existence is not checked, as with any Java classpath. This allows you to add, for example, both the debug/release version of some classes in the path, and still work, whatever the version actually installed.

If your classes are not properly defined in the path you give, a script error is raised (ClassNotFoundException exception) during the call to IloOplCallJava.

The first call to this function initializes the Java call support in ILOG Script. To do so, the implementation needs a Java Virtual Machine. If you are already running a Java Virtual Machine (as is the case in an OPL Java application or in an ODM application), that JVM is used. Otherwise, a new Java Virtual Machine is created. It looks for a Java Runtime Environment by using, in this order:

Note: If the environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set, the IloOplImportJava function will not work.

When a new Java Virtual Machine is created, its classpath is initially set with the OPL JAR files from the OPL installation. It also includes the ODM JAR files from the ODM installation if ODM has been installed. This allows the custom Java code to use the OPL and ODM Java APIs.

The OPL installation is found by using:

The ODM installation is found by using:

Calling external functions is not possible if the application is statically linked with the OPL libraries (like oplrunsample). This is because the Java OPL library uses the shared library version of OPL (oplxx.dll/.so) which cannot be mixed with the static version. You can use an external call to Java in the OPL IDE, in oplrun, and in custom OPL or ODM applications launched from Java.

path - The path to a directory or Java archive file (.jar) that contains classes to access.
execute {


This function loads the script file passed as parameter.

The path can be either absolute or relative.

If this path does not designate an existing file, the file is searched for using a method that depends on the application in which the script is embedded. Typically, the name of the script file is searched for in a list of directories specified in the application setup.

The effect of this function is the same as for loadFile. In OPL, you have to use includeScript, as the function loadFile does not recognize OPL objects, such as thisOplModel.


Flow control instructions and global functions cannot be called from an external JavaScript file.

This limitation affects the following JavaScript classes:

IloOplCplexBasis, IloOplCplexVectors, IloOplDataElements, IloOplDataSource, IloOplModelDefinition, IloOplModelSource

and JavaScript global functions:

IloOplCallJava, IloOplGetEnv, IloOplImportJava

Example showing the limitation:

Consider a function, such as myFunction below, in an external JavaScript file called a.js.

functionmyFunction(modName, masterOpl) { 
	 var subSource = new IloOplModelSource(modName); 
 	 var subDef = new IloOplModelDefinition(subSource); 
	 var subCplex = new IloCplex(); 
This example contains the limitation, as the file a.js is called from a main execution block.
 main { 
 includeScript( "a.js" ); 
var res = myFunction("cutstock-sub.mod", masterOpl); 


A workaround for this limitation is:
functionmyFunction(Classes, modName, masterOpl) { 
var subSource = new Classes[0](modName); 
var subDef = new Classes[1](subSource); 
var subCplex = new Classes[2](); 

var subOpl = new Classes[3](subDef,subCplex); 
var subData = new Classes[4](); 
and in the main model:
main { 
	// Missing classes.... 
	var classes = new Array( IloOplModelSource, IloOplModelDefinition, IloCplex, IloOplModel, IloOplDataElements); 
	includeScript( "a.js" );    
	var res = myFunction(classes,"cutstock-sub.mod", masterOpl); 
path - The path of the file to be loaded.
execute {


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