Silent installation of CPLEX Optimization Studio

Describes the properties for a silent installation of CPLEX Optimization Studio

Use this information to understand how to edit the response file for a silent installation.

On installation, the CPLEX Optimization Studio installer does not generate a response file by default. If you want to generate such a file, run the installer via the command line with the -r switch followed by the path and file name of the response file you want to generate. For example:

cos_installer-12.10.0-win-x86-64.exe -r "./"

When the response file has been generated, you can edit it to define the silent mode by adding the line


at the beginning of the .properties file. You can then install silently using the command with the -f switch:

cos_installer-12.10.0-win-x86-64.exe -f "./"

For a silent installation on macOS, do the following.

Unzip the downloaded file.

Create a file named, with the following content (ignore any leading spaces), where <MyInstallDir> is replaced with the directory chosen by the user to receive the installation. For example, USER_INSTALL_DIR=/Applications/CPLEX_Studio12100:


Run the following command:

     ./cplex_studio[version][version]-osx -f ./ 

where [version] is replaced by the version number, without separators. For example:

     ./ -f ./

List of response file parameters for silent mode installation

Parameter Default value Description
INSTALLER_UI silent Add this parameter at the beginning of the property file in order to use silent mode.
LICENSE_ACCEPTED false To accept this license agreement, change the value to true. If the LICENSE_ACCEPTED value is anything other than true, the installation exits, no log is produced, and no indication of failure is provided. By changing the value to true, you signify acceptance of the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio license agreement.
USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_TRUE 0 If the USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_TRUE value is 1, CPLEX Optimization Studio will send usage information back to IBM. Either this response, or USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_FALSE, must be equal to 1.
USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_FALSE 0 If the USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_FALSE value is 1, CPLEX Optimization Studio will not send usage information back to IBM. Either this response, or USER_INPUT_SEGMENT_TRUE, must be equal to 1.
USER_INSTALL_DIR C\:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ILOG\\CPLEX_Studio12100 If you are installing on Windows, provide the fully qualified path to the directory where you want to install the product.

Windows considers the backslash \ character to be an escape character, so use a double backslash when defining the path on Windows.

USER_INSTALL_DIR /home/<user>/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio12100 If you are installing on UNIX, provide the fully qualified path to the directory where you want to install the product.
INSTALLER_LOCALE en The locale for the installation.
CPLEX_STUDIO_SAMPLE_COPY_ACTIVATED 1 To create a copy of the samples in a defined directory, leave this value as 1. To skip the copying of the samples, set this value to 0.

This property is used only by the Windows installers. It will not affect UNIX installers.

CPLEX_STUDIO_EXAMPLES_DIR C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\IBM\\ILOG\\CPLEX_Studio12100 Specify a destination folder for a copy of the samples if you have chosen to create a copy.

This property is used only by the Windows installers. It will not affect UNIX installers.

CPLEX_STUDIO_FILE_ASSOCIATION 1 To associate file types used by CPLEX Optimization Studio with the IDE, leave this value as 1. To skip the association, set this value to 0. The file types concerned are .dat, .mod, .oplproject, and .ops.

This property is used only by the Windows installers. It will not affect UNIX installers.

CPLEX_STUDIO_PATH_UPDATE 1 To update the Windows PATH after a successful installation, adding entries for the CPLEX Optimization Studio libraries, leave this value as 1. To skip the PATH update, set this value to 0.

This property is used only by the Windows installers. It will not affect UNIX installers.

CPLEX_STUDIO_README 1 To display the CPLEX Optimization Studio readme file after a successful installation, leave this value as 1. To skip the display of the readme file, set this value to 0.
CPLEX_STUDIO_IDE 1 To start the CPLEX Optimization Studio IDE after a successful installation, leave this value as 1. To avoid starting the IDE after installation, set this value to 0.

Sample response file for silent installation:

## InstallAnywhere variables to configure for silent install
##   of IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio 12.10.0
##    Usage windows:   ./cos_installer-12.10.0-x86-64.exe -f <full path to this file>
##  With windows, cos_installer-12.10.0-win-x86-64.exe will return immediately. To avoid 
##  this, you should wrap the cos_installer-12.10.0-win-x86-64.exe command into a batch 
##  file.
## You can choose to generate a response file by using the -r command line switch,
## followed by the path and file name of the response file you want to generate, such as:
## cos_installer-12.10.0-win-x86-64.exe -r "./"
## If you do not specify the path and file name of the response file, it will be named
## or [installername].properties and will be created in the same directory as the installer.

#---- Set Silent License Acceptance
#---- Accept license agreement: remove # sign
#----                 example: LICENSE_ACCEPTED=true
#---- Silent Uninstall: do not define the LICENSE_ACCEPTED, 
#----                   leave it commented out, commented out means having # sign in front of it
#---- if the LICENSE_ACCEPTED is anything other then true the installation will exit
#----        no log will be produced, no indication of failure provided
#---- By removing the # sign before #LICENSE_ACCEPTED=false and changing false to true
#---- you have signified acceptance of the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio 12.10.0 license agreement

# The installation directory of the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio 12.10.0
USER_INSTALL_DIR=C\:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ILOG\\CPLEX_Studio12100

# The installation locale

#The properties below are used only by the windows installers
#They won't impact UNIX installation

# Activate the samples copy.
# 1=activate
# 0=do not activate
# Default value is 1

# Specify destination folder for a copy of the samples. 
CPLEX_STUDIO_EXAMPLES_DIR=C\:\\Users\\Administrator\\My Documents\\IBM\\ILOG\\CPLEX_Studio12100

# Make the file association with the COS IDE
# 1=make the association
# 0=do not make the association
# Default value is 1

# Update the PATH after successful installation 
# 1=update
# 0=do not update
# Default value is 1

# Show the read me file after successful installation
# 1=show
# 0=do not show
# Default value is 1

# Start COS IDE after successful installation
# 1=start
# 0=do not start
# Default value is 1

Getting help on the installer

To get help on the installer on a UNIX platform, type:

installer.bin -h

Help on the installer on Windows platforms is not available when the default mode is "GUI", which is the case for CPLEX Optimization Studio. It is only available when the default mode is "Console".