MQOPEN option for resolving local queue names

When you open a local, alias or model queue, the local queue is returned.

However, when you open a remote queue or cluster queue, the ResolvedQName and ResolvedQMgrName fields of the MQOD structure are filled with the names of the remote queue and remote queue manager found in the remote queue definition, or with the chosen remote cluster queue.

Use the MQOO_RESOLVE_LOCAL_Q option of the MQOPEN call to fill the ResolvedQName in the MQOD structure with the name of the local queue that was opened. The ResolvedQMgrName is similarly filled with the name of the local queue manager hosting the local queue. This field is available only with Version 3 of the MQOD structure; if the structure is less than Version 3, MQOO_RESOLVE_LOCAL_Q is ignored without an error being returned.

If you specify MQOO_RESOLVE_LOCAL_Q when opening, for example, a remote queue, ResolvedQName is the name of the transmission queue to which messages will be put. ResolvedQMgrName is the name of the local queue manager hosting the transmission queue.