Configuring certificate validation policies in IBM MQ

There are several different ways in which you can specify which TLS certificate validation policy is used to validate digital certificates received from remote partner systems.

About this task

The certificate validation policy determines how strictly the certificate chain validation conforms to industry security standards. The certificate validation policy depends upon the platform and environment. For more information about certificate validation policies, see Certificate validation policies in IBM MQ.


  • To set the certificate validation policy on the queue manager, use the queue manager attribute CERTVPOL.
    For more information about setting this attribute, see ALTER QMGR (alter queue manager settings).
  • [UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]To set the certificate validation policy on a C client, use of the following methods.
    If more than one method is used to set the policy, the client uses the settings in the following priority order:
    1. Use the CertificateValPolicy field in the client MQSCO structure. Set the field to one of the following values:
      Apply each of the certificate validation policies supported by the secure sockets library. Accept the certificate chain if any of the policies considers the certificate chain valid.
      Apply only the RFC5280 compliant certificate validation policy. This setting provides stricter validation than the ANY setting, but rejects some older digital certificates.
      [MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024][MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024]MQ_CERT_VAL_POLICY_NONE
      Apply no certificate validation policy. This setting is for client applications only and accepts the TLS server certificate without validating the trust chain.
      For more information about using this field, see MQSCO - SSL configuration options.
    2. Use the client environment variable MQCERTVPOL. Set MQCERTVPOL to one of the following values:
      Use any certificate validation policy that is supported by the underlying secure sockets library. This setting is the default setting.
      Use only certificate validation that complies with the RFC 5280 standard.
      [MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024][MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024]NONE
      Do not use any certificate validation policy. This setting is for client applications only.
      To set this environment variable, use one of the following commands:
      • [AIX][Linux]For AIX® and Linux® systems:
        export MQCERTVPOL= value
      • [Windows]For Windows systems:
        SET MQCERTVPOL= value
      • [IBM i]For IBM® i systems:
    3. Use the CertificateValPolicy attribute of the SSL stanza in the client configuration file. Set this attribute to one of the following values:
      Use any certificate validation policy supported by the underlying secure sockets library. This setting is the default setting.
      Use only certificate validation which complies with the RFC 5280 standard.
      [MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024][MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024]NONE
      Apply no certificate validation policy. This setting accepts the TLS server certificate without validating the trust chain.
      For more information about using this attribute, see SSL stanza of the client configuration file.
  • [MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024][MQ 9.4.0 Jul 2024]To set the certificate validation policy on a JMS client, use of the following methods.
    • Use the IBM MQ classes for JMS property CERTVALPO. Set this property to one of the following values:
      This is the default value for a connection factory.
      2 / NONE
      This policy includes no certificate validation. This value can only be set on client applications.
    • Use the MQConstants.CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_POLICY JMS property. Set the property to either ANY or NONE. For example:
      JmsFactoryFactory ff = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance(WMQConstants.WMQ_PROVIDER);
      JmsConnectionFactory cf = ff.createConnectionFactory();